PHP# 20: Emmy Winners, What We’re Watching and More


Ryan George (00:02)

Welcome to the Portable Hole Podcast. I’m Ryan George and I’m here with Sinek. It’s just the two of us today. Sinek, how are doing?

Cinik (00:08)

I’m great, man. Thanks for having me on.

Ryan George (00:10)

Yeah, yeah, no, it’s great. I’m glad we could get this in. I know you’re going to be traveling coming up and you’ll be away and be a busy couple of weeks. I’m glad we were able to kind of fit this in before your travels.

Cinik (00:22)

Yeah, I’m excited about the trip. marking a few more baseball stadiums off the old list. A couple good games. Looks like it’s going to be great weather out there and, you know, do some touristy stuff, taking the nightlife.

Ryan George (00:27)


What stadiums are you knocking off the list?

Cinik (00:35)

Dr. Stadium and Angel Stadium.

Ryan George (00:38)

So how many will you have left when you’re

Cinik (00:41)

I’m down to personally seven, but as a couple, think we’re still at 14 left.

Ryan George (00:43)


Okay, now do you have like a goal date when you’ll when you will finish your all your stadiums?

Cinik (00:52)

I mean, there’s a random couple stragglers, but I believe that will be done probably the next three years. Probably just about the time that Oakland opens up in Las Vegas, and we’ll have to go out there as well.

Ryan George (00:59)


Okay, now will you wait for Hillary to catch up to you before getting to your last stadium or do you care if you finish first?

Cinik (01:14)

Really, it only counts when we both finish. So it doesn’t really matter in which order that we do that. If my journey ends before the both of ours, we’ll still finish either way. Because it’s kind of a thing that we decided to do together. So we’re excited about it.

Ryan George (01:25)

Yeah, okay.

No, it’s fun. Yeah. Yeah, we kind of had the same thing. We did it. We did it with 50 states. It’s like we kind of started together. think we’re at this point we’re caught up. We’re even or I’m ahead one. But yeah, same kind of thing. It’s a fun thing to do together. We kind of stalled out, think, at 47, 45, 43 recently, but I definitely would like to get back to trying to knock the rest of the states out.

Cinik (01:50)

Yeah, this finishes us off for the West Coast. It’s all Midwest after this and then a couple random stragglers like Toronto. So I’ve to my passport in order to get over there.

Ryan George (01:53)


Yeah. I guess, do you need a passport to go to Canada? You do. Okay. All right. Yeah. Forget how that, not even all that stuff works. I should know, but, but yeah, no, easy enough. But yeah, that’s, that’ll be some motivation for you to get your passport. Right. Yeah. All right. So I get, get it. So today we’ve got a few things to talk about. It’s a little bit of news. so a lot of kind of weird and crazy stuff come up the last few days. we’ll talk, we’ll do some Emmy talk, the winners and who we thought should have won and,

Cinik (02:04)

You absolutely do. Yeah.


Ryan George (02:29)

then we’ll go into what we’ve been watching. For me, it’s been basically one thing. Like I had intended, it was crazy this weekend. Our intent was we were gonna try to see three movies. So the plan was on Saturday, we were gonna try to see Beetlejuice and the new James McAvoy movie, because I forget the name of it. It’s been ahead of every movie we’ve seen. Like we’ve seen the trailer a million times, but like he’s good. It was 824. And then we were gonna go see the 430 movie.

And then like I was sick early in the week and Anna got sick on the weekend and we did nothing So we’re supposed to do those three we did nothing and now you know when I try to at least see Beetlejuice Have you been to the theaters all recently?

Cinik (03:08)

You know, I really haven’t and there’s been stuff that’s been coming out that I want to see it. The name of the movie is Speak No Evil. And yeah, based off the trailers, I absolutely want to see it too.

Ryan George (03:09)

Yeah. Yeah. Yes.

Yeah, yeah, so like we’re like the plan was we got the tickets we’re go, you know, we’re go four o ‘clock see Beetlejuice, go get lunch or go get dinner afterwards and then go back to see Speak No Evil but that never happened. So we’re gonna try to knock something out this weekend because then we have Joker in a couple weeks so which.

Cinik (03:34)

I don’t know if you guys do this, but when I’m on memorable vacations, I always actually try to see a movie while I’m doing it, so that movie’s always associated with that vacation.

Ryan George (03:42)

Interesting. That’s a point. Yeah, that’s a good idea. Like we’ve done it a couple times. think we saw, although they’ve never been good. Like we saw Pet Sematary at some point on a vacation. I forget what else. There’s something else. But yeah, we’ve never like done anything particularly good, no, it might not be a bad idea. But yeah, I’m like, I’ve seen some mixed reviews for Joker, but I’m just going to hold out hope that it, you know, it’s good and the reviews are crap.

Cinik (03:51)


Well, really, it’s only been IGN that I saw and they got blasted for it. Kind of calling out a biased. It looks like Rotten Tomatoes the score as well and it’s pretty mixed but more on the higher side every place else. I mean, I thought it was completely unnecessary but I’m excited to see what they do with it.

Ryan George (04:12)

Yeah, okay.



Yeah, look, the first one was unnecessary, but it worked. It did a good job with it. so this one is same thing. It’s kind of like the first movie, singular movie, really well done. Didn’t really need a sequel, but maybe they’re able to kind of make this one work as well. So we’ll see. Definitely give it a shot, unlike The Crow, which I was reading somewhere. Apparently, not to bash on it more, the writer had nothing to do with it, apparently read the script.

I like, yeah, this is terrible. like the original writer of the Chrome was not brought on as a consultant or did not agree to be a consultant because that script was the worst thing ever. And from what we’ve read and what we saw in the funny pitch meeting, it seems pretty terrible.

Cinik (05:11)

Yeah, that and the person that I work with that always has the worst takes on everything was kind of watching it on a pirate stream today. And he’s like, yeah, this is pretty good. I think I’m going to, I’m going to finish it. If he recommends anything, you know, it’s a total fail.

Ryan George (05:16)


Okay. yeah.

Yeah, exactly. All right, so let’s get to some interesting news. So the big news story that came out today is Sean Diddy Combs was finally arrested and indicted on federal charges of sex trafficking and racketeering in New York. And apparently he tried to get bail and that, you know, that he was denied bail. So he’s stuck in federal prison. You know, it’s pretty crazy charges, apparently, of abuse of women.

orchestrating sex performances, using drugs to keep the victims compliant. Apparently some of these things are recorded. So, I mean, it seems pretty bad. know, I wonder, you know, yeah, it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens with him moving forward. It’s like, you know, is he the next guy to go down?

Cinik (06:14)

You know, I never watched anything like Making the Band or whatever reality show that he had back in the day. So I hit was always the assumption that he was a pretty nice guy. And then, you know, I saw his character and get him to the Greek and I’m like, well, that’s pretty wild. And we very well might have been seeing the real show and combs in that movie. Sort of like when Kevin Spacey did Horrible Bosses. And he was just this terrible person is like, I don’t think he was acting. And

Ryan George (06:27)




Yeah, exactly.

Cinik (06:43)

But I think that’s kind of where we’re at. based off those charges today, you know, I think they may put him under the prison when this is all said and done. He was supposed to be arrested today. And he was arrested yesterday. Like they came up and got him. So something must have came out that they moved early on him. And then they denied him bail to boot. So there might have been maybe some flight plans or something they got windowed that they didn’t like.

Ryan George (06:50)

Seriously, like he…


Yeah, and obviously, exactly, flight risk and somebody who’s got it obviously has a ton of money. also, was like, I didn’t watch Making the Bend, but I always remember the Chappelle show. this is like 20 years ago, making fun of it. And clearly he had some weird, you know, if it was weird enough to be parodied hilariously on Chappelle’s show, it seems like there was a lot of smoke or a lot of fire where there was that smoke. But yeah, it’s pretty bad. And there’s another guy like.

Cinik (07:21)


Ryan George (07:39)

You know, it’s crazy that this I mean, I guess a lot of this, you know, you wonder how much of this is like recent and not but it was him with the video, right? That came out of him beating a woman in the hallway. Yeah. So yeah.

Cinik (07:48)

Yeah, right in like a hallway of a hotel. And I know it’s not a fair parallel to draw, but Hannibal Burr’s is a little outburst at the end of one of his comedy shows brought down Bill Cosby. then Eminem references, you know, did he possibly getting pot killed? And next thing you know, he’s he’s getting arrested as well. But I think it’s more along the lines that I think several civil civil trials have been brought against him. And I think that’s really what brought light what he might have been up to.

Ryan George (08:00)


Yeah. And then, yeah, so nothing, actually, this is a story that I didn’t even have it as a list, but just popped up. you found, you found the Shannon Sharp thing happened over the weekend or last week.

Cinik (08:30)

I saw a little about it, but I wasn’t sure if the response that he gave out was real like it or somebody somebody was playing on Twitter

Ryan George (08:33)

Okay. Yeah. Not that it’s a, that is a big story, think like Shannon Sharp, his own podcasts have done really well. He’s had some really big interviews. And I guess like there was an Instagram live that went on of him having sex with the woman. And initially he said he was hacked, but then came out and said, I guess, I don’t know, he’s playing with his phone and it just kind of went out. But you know, it just leaves you to wonder like with anything like that happens, like

Was that intentional or did he, you know, was that really an accident? Like he’s an older guy, but like not that old that you can’t control a phone, you know, with Instagram.

Cinik (09:07)

Yeah, but I just I just recently saw him pitching boner pills. So I wonder if that was just showing off the product a little bit You know a little viral marketing so to speak

Ryan George (09:13)

That would be hilarious, yeah.

Yeah, because I feel like it’s somebody who’s like he’s been at the top of his game recently. I feel like that’s a move you make like four or five years from now when when like other guys have taken over, but he’s been, you know, he’s getting good ratings. He’s doing well. It seems like it seems a little desperate. So I hope it’s not intentional, but but it was kind of a new story nonetheless. There’s my crazy dog. So anyway, so tell me about I know you’re a Linkin Park fan.

So maybe you can tell me about about what’s going on in this whole controversy with Lincoln Park

Cinik (09:45)


Well, I loved the response I got in the group chat first off when I’m like, Lincoln Park is back. I’ve waited forever. And you guys are like, and.

Ryan George (09:52)

Yeah, so yeah, Justin and I are kind of like, mean, we’re both kind of music snobs wrong. We shouldn’t be right. But that’s how we act about stuff. And I think I think Linkin Park for us hit at like the wrong age. So where we were like just super cynical about any new music. so like and Linkin Park just happened to be the big new band. And we were at that point, we were kind of snobs and cynical. And so they always like

were not a band we liked, even though like as you know, later on it’s like, no, they’re a perfectly good band and the music is good and there’s nothing wrong with them. But they just like represented something bad, awful for us after we were like getting out of our like, you know, we love Tool and you know, Pantera and all these bands that like, you know, were just like, that’s the antithesis of the stuff that we were listening to. But yeah, but yeah, the group text was pretty hilarious. We ganged up on you.

Cinik (10:43)

Yeah, I kind of forgot about that. You like Tool, but Linkin Park is too angsty for you. I mean, listen, I’m a kid of alternative music. I went from The Cure to Nine Inch Nails to Linkin Park. So I’m not cynic by accident. All right. So Linkin Park appeared out of nowhere, basically, after I think it’s been six or seven years since the death of their lead singer, Chester Bennington. He tragically took his life.

Ryan George (10:53)



Cinik (11:12)

And that was unfortunate. I actually, for the first, I’d say a year to three years, I couldn’t listen to their music because I empathize with anyone that struggles with mental health issues because I’ve had some of the same problems growing up. when somebody loses that fight, it just cuts me to the bone. I still can’t watch a Robin Williams movie. I know that there was more to what he was going through than just depression, but it bothers me when that happens. Like it really does.

when I hear about it with the everyday normal people. But I was kind of attached to their music for a long time. And I probably seen them, I say a good seven or eight times during their run as a band. So they decided to reboot and bring in a new singer. They went with a female, which that would limit the comparisons to Chester, but you still have people that are 100 % unhappy with that decision. One of them being his son, believe his son’s name is Jamie.

who decided that he was going to make it about him. originally he came out and said, you’re basically erasing my father’s legacy in real time. First off, the only person that did anything to affect his father’s legacy was his father. He made a choice. He decided not to be in the band anymore. It’s not like they threw him out. The band was formed before he was under another name, but it was the close to the lineup that they started going with.

Who is anyone to say that they aren’t allowed to make money because somebody decided to essentially quit the band? Like Chester wasn’t the only lead singer. He wrote some of the music, but not all of it. It’s almost like saying, well, my boss killed himself, so you guys can’t go to work anymore. Mike went on on his own not too long after Chester killed himself and…

Ryan George (13:01)


Cinik (13:07)

He looked so sad and so lost out there touring and I felt so bad for him and he played some of his own stuff. He played some of Linkin Park stuff, but you could tell this was a dude in mourning. Like he misses his bandmate. missed his friend and it hurt to see and seeing him play. They did a secret show and seeing him up there with the band again, at least some of the band. Some of them chose not to come back for personal reasons more along the lines of age and life has moved on and such and

Seeing him up there again just made me feel good because he was having so much fun. I mean, let them go out and let them make money. One of the big things that bothered me not only about Chester’s death was the fact that they were a band that was on top for a long time. They were kind of on their way down. You know, some of the fans had been upset about the the course that the band was taking and Chester himself said, if you don’t like the band, then go ahead and move on. Like you will always have the old music, but go ahead and move on like that.

We’re fine with that and we understand it. People change, but we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do. And I feel the same way about this. First off, his legacy will never be affected. That music’s never going away. It’s not like Linkin Park is like Sharon Osbourne and they’re gonna re -record everything and pull all the old stuff down. Chester’s family will continue to get money from some of the live shows and the back catalog, which is a win for everybody involved. And…

I just, I think it’s a positive thing. I think it’s a healing thing. you know, will the band ever be the same now? Was it probably better with Chester? Maybe. But this lady is a unique talent and she’s a good singer. And it was great to see her do some of the new stuff and a lot of the old. And to anybody that’s like, well, she was a Scientologist or she did this or that. I don’t care about actors or singers or famous people’s politics. I don’t care about their religions.

Just don’t dittle kids and you’re fine with me. Don’t abuse pets, don’t dittle kids, don’t beat on women and you’re fine with me. At the end of the day, I really think it’s a step in the positive direction. Now, his son makes a statement, goes on Instagram Live, runs down Mike, Uncle Mike, you’re ruining everything. Uncle Mike, you’re erasing my father’s legacy. So, in the comeback tour, the first show was in Los Angeles.

What does Jamie do? Beg Linkin Park for tickets. After you shit all over the fact that they’re coming back, they’re ruining everything, he should have been consulted by the way, which I don’t know where he thinks that he has any say in his band. Like it’s not a business that your father passed to you. It was something your brother was a part of and no longer is. So he goes there and he makes a point of posting that he’s there and saying, well, I hope none of the Linkin Park fans are aggressive towards me.

because he did get a fair amount of hate. so, you know, Mike brings up over the course of the concert, some of the things that have been said. Now, this kid didn’t have any original thoughts. He might’ve been the most noteworthy person to express them, but he didn’t have any original thoughts about not erasing the past and this is a celebration. you know, he had on a lot of points that he’s like, he used my words against me. Dude, really?

He’s like, knew I was in the audience. Yeah, because you gave him, he gave you tickets and they used my words against me. I’m like, if you’re not, if this isn’t classic, cunty, just attention seeking behavior, I don’t know what is. It’s super entitled. It’s super super intention seeking and it’s not about you. And to the people that are bothered by this, it’s not about you either. It’s their choice as a band and as a business to, move forward. And we should respect that.

And if you don’t want to take part of it, the best part about it is you don’t have to.

Ryan George (17:01)

So now, are they still torrent? Is everything still moving forward? Are there any questions? Yeah.

Cinik (17:05)

yeah, they they they’re doing like a very brief world tour where they’re hitting, I believe it was five or six cities. Brooklyn was absolute the other night, but it was just wrong timing for me. But they they plan on doing a full scale tour in twenty five, including festivals and stuff. Hell, you know, it’s it is about money at the end of the day. I’m sure they’re doing it for the love of music. But why does anybody do anything when it pertains to their job? You know.

At the end of the day, you love fitness, but you’re an instructor because it pays.

Ryan George (17:38)

Yeah. So now the question, and again, I’m not, you know, I don’t follow, I don’t follow it that much, but I know that some of the question about was it more about the lead singer and her views on like mental health and that being an issue. Yeah. Was that, yeah.

Cinik (17:50)

Well, yeah, I think she’s either a current or former Scientologist. I didn’t care enough to look into it because I don’t think that should really affect how I feel about the band. If Dave Matthews really hates puppies or not, like you said in that Adam Sandler movie, it still doesn’t affect the fact that I like Crash into Me. You know what I mean? It just doesn’t. I’m not hung up in it.

Ryan George (17:55)

Yeah. Okay.

Cinik (18:19)

It’s the same as if the whole thing with Taylor Swift and Trump, like if you’re a fan or you’re not a fan or you don’t believe in their political belief, what do care? You know what I mean? Everybody has the right to express their opinion except when people don’t agree with it. And then suddenly it’s a problem.

Ryan George (18:37)

Yeah, although guess it is tough for some people to separate the art from the artist. And that’s just kind that’s always been a thing, right? Like think you’re able to compartmentalize probably better than even I could, right? Like if there’s somebody who, you know, who’s music, you know, and I guess it’s, it’s tricky. there’s some, know, but yeah, I guess there’s some situations where if somebody, you know, had certain views, but I loved their work, it might make it a little bit difficult for me to, follow their, their work.

I’m not that I’m comparing this situation. But I think, but you’re right, at the end of day, it’s like you’re there for the music, you’re not there for their political views. If you were there for their political views, that’s a whole different story. So I think there should be a world where we are able to kind of compartmentalize a bit more and just enjoy art for what it is and not worry about all the things on the side, because I’m listening to music because it’s good music and that shouldn’t change because somebody has some strange views.

Cinik (19:26)

Well, you remember there was a time that before Michael Jackson died that when all this stuff came out, nobody would touch his music. Nobody would listen to it. Nobody would go near it. And then when he passed away, he became Michael Jackson again, overnight, basically, you know, radio stations started playing his music again and everybody forgot like the evils that he’d done to children in the past.

Ryan George (19:37)

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s interesting because whenever you hear his stuff, it definitely is a, it’s still like, that’s a little weird, but you know, but it’s also, he’s, you know, one of the greatest artists in the history of like mankind. like, right. Like how do you, it is a hard, it’s a hard, you know, it’s like, it’s a hard square to circle or whatever that, my brain’s not working that much today, but I’ll be, know, it’s, it’s tricky to figure that one out, right? Like how do you, you know, where do

Cinik (19:59)

It doesn’t take away the talent, that’s for sure.

Ryan George (20:16)

And I feel like with Michael Jackson, think now these dead people just go whatever, you know, we’ll ignore the pretty rough stuff that he probably did. All right, so let’s get to the next story. tell me, there is a, I’m still on my iPhone 13, but apparently Apple announced a new iPhone. So should I get it?

Cinik (20:24)


If you’re on the 13, all the smart money says yes, because I’m on the 13 as well. It has everything to do with enhanced battery life, faster processor, and the camera is the camera from the 13 went from a 12 megapixel to a 48. So that’s pretty significant on top of the fact that it now has the ability to charge from 0 to 50 % in about 30 minutes if you have the right charger.

Ryan George (20:44)


wow, okay. Yeah.

okay. Yeah.

Cinik (21:08)

So that also helps. they’ve also added some pretty nifty camera features as far as a button on the side of the phone where you can actually control it and take pictures from that rather than touch the screen. So that’s a neat feature as well. And the fact that they’re going to start… One of the things that drew me into is that they’re going to start heavily adding AI to the phone, but it’s their own. So they’ll be able to control…

the flow of information in and out.

Ryan George (21:39)

Yeah, yeah, so yeah, because I’m thinking about it. I mean, may explain it like my because I’m on my iPhone 13. It still works, but like the battery is terrible. You know, for me, it’s I think, you know, my wife will probably be the first one to get a new one because like, like, the camera is important for me. But like, I have, you know, a good SLR. So like when we travel, I usually will use that for photos, but she uses she takes thousands and thousands of photos and travel and uses her iPhone.

Cinik (21:47)


Ryan George (22:06)

So I she really needs like the, you know, the improved computer, the camera, cause the camera’s fine. But you know, yeah, the upgrade, seems like the 16 is pretty good. The AI features sound like they might be good, but also like, you know, it’s the Apple’s AI. So who knows how good, you know, or useful it’s going to be, but everybody’s diving, you know, diving down.

But yeah, I’m thinking about it. Although I just got a new MacBook, so I might hold off on any big expenses for a little bit.

Cinik (22:35)

Well, nice part about the phone is they break it up and throw it on your bill. So it’s not like it’s not like you’re shelling out the, you know, anywhere from nine to $1 ,100.

Ryan George (22:38)

Exactly, that’s true.

That is a fair point. Exactly, yeah. Yeah, no, yeah, that’s fair. And it’s funny because of course I get an email from AT &T, congratulations, you finished your payments on your old phone right in time for me to go buy the, get the next one. So yeah, there might be a point where I’m really tempted to go.

Cinik (22:56)


I have gotten better though because I used to try to upgrade every year and it’s just not enough. They don’t do enough between each model to justify that anymore. But from the 13 to the 16, are we at the 16? Yeah, the 13 to the 16, according to the marks on Twitter, they’ve improved enough where an upgrade is justified.

Ryan George (23:07)

Yeah, I remember those days.


Yeah, there was a there was those beautiful days early on when like you could sell, you know, your previous generation on eBay for because you know, when they were very restrictive, it was like it was only on like two different like it was like AT &T and Verizon had it. And so you could sell the old one on eBay for someone to unlock it for more money than you could buy the new one. That was like there was a few generations where I would I would just upgrade every year because of that. And now but now it’s not so much and especially with like the

throwing it on your phone bill, it’s like 26 payments or something, so you gotta go with a couple years anyway.

Alright, so the last news story that I’ve got is this. It’s the Dave Grohl situation, which is just crazy. you know, I’m kind of following it, but maybe you have a better grasp on it. So what’s going on with this?

Cinik (24:15)

Well, he recently announced that he fathered a child outside of his marriage, which sucks because they did a documentary, I’d say probably like five or eight years ago now where they recorded the album at his house and the whole family was there and his kids were younger and the wife was, you know, kind of cooking people stuff on the barbecue and they seem like such a happy family. However, he made a mistake.

Ryan George (24:19)


Cinik (24:43)

And of course the internet, because they love to roast everybody over everything that they do, you know, suddenly there’s a large wave of Dave Grohl hate. And one of the funniest takes I saw was, you know, I was really into the, the adultery, but then I heard his music and I completely changed my mind on him. He made a mistake. And for people to go, I’m so disappointed in Dave Grohl, or I’m no longer a fan. It’s once again, it’s not about you. Dave Grohl owes one person an apology, his wife.

Ryan George (24:58)



Cinik (25:12)

And that’s it. And it looks like they may be headed towards to worse. I hope not, it looks like they, but I want people, you know, the, the four people or a hundred people or how many people listen to this to sit back and think about the level of temptation that someone like Dave girl deals with on a daily basis. You literally have anything and everything that you could ever want at your fingertips every time you leave the house. And yeah, people are going to stumble half the time.

you know, the husband or wife can’t say no to the six that is sitting next to him or her in the cubicle across the way. But meanwhile, you have models constantly throwing themselves at you. I can’t imagine, you know, I can’t imagine how any of them stay faithful. And I can’t imagine as a spouse that you would expect them to. Maybe they had an understanding and she just didn’t know that, you know, he would be careless with the…

with the whole fertility thing, but I’m not quite sure. I don’t think you should, once again, I don’t think it’s like, I can never listen to the Foo Fighters again. Did Dave Grohl cheat on you or did he cheat on his wife? People get way too involved and idolize these famous people who are as fallible as we are.

Ryan George (26:27)

That’s the thing, it’s like we, you know…

Most people we know, you know, like I trust people as friends and I trust people to, you know, generally have my best interests. Like there very few people that are in my kind of close circle, but I, you know, I’ve learned that you just, it’s very hard to trust people and how they act in situations like that. And that will be no different for celebrities. You know, I know people who’ve been married for a very long time, who seem in a perfect relationship, who cheat.

Cinik (26:46)

I’ll be there someday.

Ryan George (27:00)

or would cheat if the opportunity arise. You see it just so much that it’s just kind of hard to believe that a celebrity who probably has women throwing themselves at him daily, you know, it’s like, I’m not gonna tie that to my liking their music or not. I just, I’m not, like, don’t, you know, it’s like, yeah, I don’t really care. I mean, not that don’t care, but I’m not, you know, I’m not following them. It’s like, that’s a choice he made. He, yeah, you’re right, like the one person he has to apologize to is his wife. And, you know,

Cinik (27:02)


Ryan George (27:31)

It’s just, it is what it is. know, it’s like, you know, I wasn’t a big Pooh Fighters fan anyway, so it doesn’t matter all that much, right? I’m not going to be like, I’m never listening to them again. But like, if I do, like, whatever. that’s life. People do it. And it’s not, you know, it’s not, it’s not a surprise, you know, and I don’t know if, you know, maybe it’s a little different if it’s like somebody who’s very hypocritical, like someone who, like maybe, you know, if they’re, if they’re out there screaming from the rooftops, how, how great of a husband they are.

and kind of chastising people for doing that. And then they come out as being hypercred. I think maybe I’d be a little bit more, I’d have a little more to say on that, but I don’t know that that’s him. As far as know, he’s not running around, you know, yelling at people for cheating. I don’t know, like, it’s what it is. It’s kind of a weird situation, sucks for his wife. Yeah.

Cinik (28:17)

Well, I think he’s victim that he’s a good personality and he’s kind of the nice guy of rock and roll. You know, if it was Ozzy Osbourne people wouldn’t blink an eye. But since it’s Dave Grohl, then suddenly it becomes a big deal.

Ryan George (28:20)

Yeah. Yes. Yeah.


That does kind of hurt him, Because he is somebody who does generally seem to be accepted as a good person and people like him. Generally, you rarely hear any bad press about him. He seems very affable. He seems like nice person. So yeah, it’s one of those things where you have a little, I don’t want to say surprising, but it sucks because he is somebody whose image is pretty positive and wholesome. And so for that to come out, it’s like, okay.

sucks for him because that’s going to stick with him for a while. I don’t know. It’s what it is. All right. So let’s get to, we’re going to talk about the Emmys. So what I was thinking we’d do today is we’ll go through the major categories, major acting and show categories. I’m not going to get into writing and all that stuff. what I’ll do is we’re going to go through who won. And then we’ll just talk about if that was the right decision or if you feel like somebody else should have won. So no particular order. So I’m just going to take in the order that I kind of wrote these things down. But we’ll start with.

So the Emmy for the best comedy series. So the winner was Hacks. Now I like Hacks, I think it’s a really well done show. I feel like Reservation Dogs should have been the winner. I think that was the best comedy series of the year. I think also it deserved more, it’s great that it got a lot of nominations this time around. I think it’s deserved more recognition since it’s been around, but that would have been my pick for best comedy series. How about you?

Cinik (29:31)


It’s definitely on my list, but I’m more interested to find out how we consider the bear a comedy.

Ryan George (30:01)

Yeah, that’s a whole other thing. How well here’s the question. How is the bear comedy, but Mr. Mrs. Smith was a drama? Right? Because feel like if you’re gonna miss it was a drama, but it had more comedic elements to me than the bear. So yeah, I don’t know. You know, I feel like sometimes it’s like kind of gaming the system a little bit too.

Cinik (30:20)

Well, I think it was a drama because they were killing people and there was gunplay.

Ryan George (30:24)

I guess so, yeah. To that extent, right? But yeah, it didn’t feel like that much of a drama. But was there anything you felt should have won? I guess you feel like the bear should have won since it was in the comedy? Yeah. Yeah.

Cinik (30:33)

Yeah, I’m deep in the bear camp. know, yeah, I think that out of that list, I haven’t seen them all. Like I’ve definitely got to check out hack. So I can’t say that it shouldn’t have won, but you know, the bear is what.

Ryan George (30:41)


Even season three, which is a little bit of a step down from the first two.

Cinik (30:48)

Yeah, but I still think it’s kind of above everything else that’s out there.

Ryan George (30:51)

Yeah, that’s a fair point. Hard to argue with it, but yeah, think Hacks is a solid show. Definitely worth watching. 30 minute episodes, entertaining, very funny, very well done. All right, so best drama was Shogun. And honestly, feel like, not that it was a great year of drama shows. In fact, I saw that Idris Elba show,

which I thought was perfectly a fun show, was not worthy of any awards, was nominated. But I do think they got it right. Like Shogun should have been the winner. What are you?

Cinik (31:32)

Yeah, I mean, from what I saw of it, I didn’t get all the way through it. I definitely have to give it a fair shake. But out of what this list and what I did see, yeah, I wasn’t a huge Three Body Problem fan. I liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but I kind of hope that they go in a different direction if they do a second. I did like Fallout quite a bit, but definitely not the best drama series for sure.

Ryan George (31:36)

Okay, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I feel like Fallout probably would have been next to my list and not because, I it was, loved it. I thought it was really, really well done. Not that it was that great, but I think it was just kind of maybe weaker on the drama side, you know? Like, yeah, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith was perfectly fine. was, you know, we reviewed it. It was entertaining. But yeah, it seemed like a weaker feel, but Shogun was great. I think, you know, it was epic. It had great performances, really good story. And so I think it does deserve it, but it was also a little bit of a weaker feel that felt like this season.

Okay, so now back to Shogun, which we’re gonna get to, which will be the next couple. So best actor in a drama was Hiroki Sonata, who was the lead in Shogun. He won, and he was great in it. Again, the list was not, again, not amazing performances. You had Donald Glover, was great in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but I don’t know that it was like best, I think he would deserve more for his roles in Atlanta.

Cinik (32:40)

Nailed it.

Ryan George (32:58)

than for this. And I would have maybe gone with Walton Goggins, even though I don’t know that I would consider that a best like lead actor, because I don’t think he was a lead, but.

Cinik (33:08)

I agree. was kind of thinking the same thing. I’m a huge Dominic West fan. I didn’t see much of the crown, but what I did see, I did like. Yeah, I think it’s fair. He probably deserved it.

Ryan George (33:10)


Yeah, I didn’t see. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, so no, so I mean, you know, definitely couldn’t go wrong with that. And then best actress was Anna Sawai, I think that’s how pronounce her name, also from Shogun. I do think she deserved it. I thought she was awesome in it. Now I didn’t see all of the shows that were listed, you know, all the performances, but she was really, really good. Like one of the standout performances to me, above everybody in Shogun. So I thought she definitely deserved it for that. What are you?

Cinik (33:46)

Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. And anybody but my Erskine from Mr. and Mrs. Smith, because I despise that person to their core.

Ryan George (33:50)

Yeah. She is good. I liked her. Again, I don’t know about best actress, Worthy, but I thought she was good. But yeah, definitely a point of a disagreement for us. So best supporting actress. So this was Liza Colonzias, I think is how you pronounce her name, from the bear. I was surprised she was nominated. But when I thought it was like, no, she was great. And they gave her a lot to work with this season.

And I was a little down on the season as a whole. I felt like you got a little self -indulgent, but I did like the episode that focused on her. And I like that she’s really… I like that she… I really like her kind of progression as a character early on. That’s the type of character who could always just be like a tertiary character who gets a couple lines here and there. But they really went a long way to really create a three -dimensional character.

Cinik (34:31)

Doug does not agree.

Ryan George (34:46)

And I really loved her performances this season. when, really when I thought it was like, it’s a little surprise she was nominated, but no, she was great. And, and honestly, like, I think she deserved it. didn’t see any, you there were, that there were any better performances to me this year.

Cinik (34:59)

Well, just looking at an ensemble cast like The Office, you really don’t get very good writing for the people in the background. The Bear, everybody has a solid storyline and a good origin and just carries themselves well on screen. I’ve enjoyed her character since the first season and I want to continue to see that where it goes for her.

Ryan George (35:10)


Yeah, no, it’s great. So I think that was well deserved. All right, so now best actor in an anthology. So that was Richard Gad for Baby Reindeer. That one, I think they got it right. I do feel like obviously in Baby Reindeer, it’s such a crazy story and he seems like he, it is the perfect performance for him because he’s generally playing a version of himself that would appear, especially since this is largely based on true events. So you give it that, but still it’s a phenomenal performance. So I think they were spot on with that. What about you?

Cinik (35:54)

I mean, I loved Baby Reindeer, but I also really loved Jon Hamm and Fargo. So that one’s a tough one for me because how do you give somebody a best acting award for playing themselves? That’s the only, and I just don’t think Gad has enough range to do anything else. Now, maybe he’ll prove me wrong and he’ll knock something else out of the park now that he has a little bit of notoriety.

Ryan George (36:00)

Yeah, that was a pretty good one.



Cinik (36:23)

but he did play himself. So that’s a stretch to give someone a reward for it. If that’s the case, then I should get one every day. I do have a Dundee back there.

Ryan George (36:24)


I would say I I get what you’re saying but I mean how many times has somebody put in an amazing performance and either they can never repeat it or every other character they play as a version of that so yeah like I get it that like it like we’re not it’s not the best range right it’s not like he’s playing it you know we’re not we’re not judging him by the range but that

He was able to emote and make us feel for him. And yes, he is benefited by the fact that he’s playing a version of himself. But if you asked me to play myself in a biopic, I’d probably be pretty bad, because I’m not a good actor. So I think the fact that he’s able to present that on screen, you know, I think I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t dig, you know, I wouldn’t ding him necessarily for that. I do think Jon Hamm is pretty great. I couldn’t go wrong with that.

Cinik (37:18)

Ryan, you’re playing yourself right now. You play yourself every single day.

Ryan George (37:23)

But exactly if you have a well, I was gonna say if you have a camera on me, but I do have a camera on me But you know what I mean? There’s a director

Cinik (37:29)

Now, the writing awards I absolutely agree with. I thought that was a phenomenal story. I thought it was very, very just gripping every second that they were on screen. So I am glad that they got recognized for creating such a… It’s kind of a masterpiece in a way.

Ryan George (37:48)

Yeah, no, absolutely. No, totally agree. All right, so now we have the best actress in an anthology and that went to Jodie Foster in True Detective. Solid choice. I am a little partial to, and maybe it’s just because I really like the story and like the book, but I was a partial to Brie Larson, your favorite actress in Lessons in Chemistry. I doubt that you saw that. It is really good if you haven’t. I actually highly recommend it, but I really like that.

that series and I liked her in that. So I was a little partial but again, can’t go wrong with Jodie Foster. think she was awesome in True Detective and just generally True Detective was really good.

Cinik (38:24)

Yet that season of True Detective brought that show back to prominence. was so, like such a wild story and acted so well and you just had no idea what was going to happen. She absolutely deserved that. I would agree with you there.

Ryan George (38:37)


Now, honestly, I was looking at the best supporting actor in a drama. I don’t think I’ve seen any of it, except for three actors from Shogun, so I’d find just give it to someone from Shogun. But Billy Crudup won for The Morning Show. Did you see anything besides Shogun for the best supporting actors? And do you have a choice?

Cinik (38:57)

I’m trying I’m trying to find the category now. What were the other?

Ryan George (39:03)

where is it? Okay. It was like three people from the morning show and like three people from,

We’ll see.

Cinik (39:15)

Yeah, we should probably lined up our lists.

Ryan George (39:17)

Yeah, exactly. Let’s see.

Wait, let me mark this.

Okay, so…

Cinik (39:44)

We’re looking at best supporting actress in the anthology series or no?

Ryan George (39:48)

Best supporting in a drama. Let’s see, best supporting actor in a…

Cinik (39:59)

Yeah, my list may not have a best directing.

Ryan George (40:02)

supporting… yeah, right.

recording accurate.

weird supporting

Cinik (40:14)

Yeah, just cut this whole thing and I’ll go, yes, Ryan, thought he deserved it.

Ryan George (40:17)


Where is… I think they’re driving me crazy. Okay.

Cinik (40:26)

Yeah, I don’t know why they wouldn’t put all the acting awards together in these lists.

Ryan George (40:30)

Yeah. Okay, supporting actor in the drama. Okay. So it’s, okay, let me mark this and I will, I will tell you. So supporting actors, you Billy Crudup in the morning show, Mark Duplis in the morning show, Jack Lodin in Slow Horses, Jonathan Price in The Crown. I’m just gonna assume it’s Jonathan Price. John Hamm in the morning show. Yeah.

Cinik (40:35)

There we go, supporting actress and actor.

I found it. Yeah. Yeah, I haven’t seen any of that.

Ryan George (40:55)

Yeah, and again, it’s three actors from Shogun. you know, and again, Shogun is so, no, two actors from Shogun. It’s so well acted, so I could give either of them, you know, but then I would say, you know, I’m just gonna assume it’s John and the Brides, but again, you know, can’t go wrong with Billy Crum. He’s great as well. All right, so let’s see. Next up, we’ve got a best actor in a comedy. So we’ve got Jeremy Allen White. He won for The Bear.

I will say my choice only because he deserves every award is Matt Berry, but it’s not based on anything logical. I just think he deserves to win an Emmy at some point because he’s just, he’s been amazing for however many seasons we’ve gotten with what we do in the shadows. And it’s kind of one of those people who, I’ll just watch do anything. But what do you think? Do think they made the right choice with Jeremy Allen? Right? Yeah.

Cinik (41:48)

Of course, yeah, I’ve been a fan of Jeremy Allen White since the beginning of Shameless. yeah, I’ll be supportive of anything he does. mean, he’s carrying, even though there’s a lot of talented actors around him, he’s definitely the lead in that show. He’s carrying things and he’s done a great transition from this role starting as Lip over in Shameless.

Ryan George (42:10)

Yeah, no, that’s Okay, now, best actress in a comedy. So you haven’t seen Hacks, Jean Smart won. Again, can’t go wrong. Again, I would have liked to have seen Iowa Debris, maybe butchering her name, win for the Bears. She’s so good. And I don’t know if she’s won in the past, but she’s like the glue that holds that show together. And every bit goes toe to toe with Jeremy Allen White. So I feel like I would have gone with her.

Cinik (42:14)


Ryan George (42:39)

But Hacks is a great show, Gene Smart is great in it, so you can’t go wrong with that, but that would have been my choice.

Cinik (42:46)

Yeah, I could agree with you there. Absolutely.

Ryan George (42:48)

Yeah. All right, then yeah, best supporting actress in the drama. Again, all the choices for this, I really didn’t see, but Elizabeth DeBecchi won for the crown. Do you have any opinions on that? Yeah.

Cinik (42:59)

Not really because it’s that same lineup that was almost supporting mail. I haven’t seen any of them. I probably won’t see any of them.

Ryan George (43:06)

Yeah Yeah Yeah, I I get it. I’m in the same boat So they have best supporting actress in limited series So was Jessica Gunning again in baby reindeer in that case. I feel like they nailed that right like She was not playing herself And was so good that you really thought and then when we got to see the real person was like, wow She really did a good job with that. So so yeah, definitely I would say she she she nailed that so

Cinik (43:24)



Yeah, absolutely. who knows if we’ll ever see her again. So yeah, definitely give her an Emmy because that might have been a limited run as far as her career.

Ryan George (43:38)


I guess we’ll see if she’s got what kind of range she has. Alright, got two more. So the best supporting actor in a comedy, Iban Mas Bakrak. He’s great. I’m good with that. I love the other supporting actor in a comedy choices. I didn’t really see any that to me were as good. so I think a well -deserved win for him. What do you think?

Cinik (44:08)

Yeah, absolutely. He’s great.

Ryan George (44:10)

And then finally, so this was honestly, so this one, the best limited anthology category, Baby Reindeer One. And we both said it’s a phenomenal show, very well written. But honestly, this was the most stacked category. Any of these shows to me could have won and I would have been perfectly fine with it. So you had Fargo, which was an awesome season of Fargo. True Detective, again, awesome season of True Detective. Like they both came back so strong. Cause they’re both shows that are really good started.

Cinik (44:33)

It was.

Ryan George (44:39)

First seasons were great. know, they’ve always been high quality, but not quite reaching the levels of the first season. And then this new each show this season just knocked out the park. Again, you haven’t seen Lessons in Chemistry, but a great show, little different, different in tone from everything else on this, but really well done. If that won, I would have been fine with it. And then Ripley, which I really enjoyed, but I think I more enjoyed it just because it looked so good. I think there were, you know, there were some issues with it that maybe bring it down a notch, but I thought Ripley was great too. And if any of these shows were to have won,

I’d be perfectly okay and I feel like that was by far the most stacked like category of the entire like ME show.

Cinik (45:18)

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. mean, I’m just happy that I’ve seen three out of the what five things nominated. So that makes me kind of happy. And then the other two are at they’re on the list to watch.

Ryan George (45:23)


Yeah, yeah, definitely. feel like Lessons in Chemistry would be a fun show to watch with Hillary. think that’s just a fun, really good, interesting show. Really cool twists and interesting characters. And you didn’t see Ripley, right? Yeah, Ripley’s really good. Yeah, Ripley’s good. I’d be interested to know what you think. Because I think, personally, it looks amazing. And I’ve said it a million times. It’s one of those, every scene, it’s framed perfectly.

Cinik (45:41)

I did not, but I know you recommend.

Ryan George (45:56)

So it’s one of those things you can just sit and look at and just marvel at like wow What what’s he come up with for the next scene? mean just every frame everything just looks composed beautifully But I also think it’s a really interesting take on that story But yeah, no great stack category. Alright, so let’s get to Just get to what we’ve been watching so I will I’ll go first because I’ve only been watching one thing for the last week And that’s been Resident Alien. Have you seen that at all? Okay

Cinik (46:24)

I have not.

Ryan George (46:25)

so, so Resident Alien, you know, it’s been on my radar for a few years now. Like, feel like, you know, it’s been on my radar for a while, but it stars Alan Tudyk, you know, who’s kind of been in everything. and he basically, it’s based on a graphic novel and he basically plays an alien who’s crash landed on earth. And, he’s, they’re able to kind of change their molecular structure to appear human.

to other people and he’s got to find his, huh? I think three seasons. Okay, cool, cool, yeah. Really well done, and it’s really funny because it’s kind of like a fish out of water, kind of stranger in a strange world type of tale. He’s trying to figure out how to be human. it’s really, the cast is really great. It’s every character, kind of like, I liken it to, did you watch Schitt’s Creek?

Cinik (46:55)

How many seasons has there been?

I think I saw the first episode of two of that. Yeah, yeah, it was pretty good.

I’ll sum up it.

Ryan George (47:24)

Okay, so it’s kind of like, one of the shows, it’s not like the tone of the show is not quite the same as Schitt’s Creek, but what it is is kind of like, it’s like the stranger in a strange land type of show that finds his way into this small community. And as the show goes on, it shifts a little bit away from like the primary character, which is his character. And you really learn more about this community and how this community kind of bands together and he becomes part of that community. So for me, it’s like very similar to Schitt’s Creek in that vibe, but it’s really funny, really well done, great, you know,

great characters, great performances. It’s kind of a show that’s very easy to watch. It doesn’t get overly dramatic, but it has its dramatic moments. And yeah, it’s just a really easy show to watch because it doesn’t require too much. It’s not heavy, not super tense at all times. Most of the times when they are in situations, they get out of it pretty easily. But yeah, I’m really enjoying it. think we just have been watching that the last week and a half, so think we’re on like…

we’ve gotten up to season three and I think there is gonna be a season four, which is good. But even like Linda Hamilton has a pretty significant role at points in it. So that’s kind of cool to see her in it. But yeah, it was kind of really, really, again, great cast and definitely worth the watch. How about you, what have you been watching?

Cinik (48:29)


Season two of the Tulsa King came out and I’ve been checking that out episode by episode and that’s been, I believe, as good as the first season, which was a huge surprise to me because I think it’s some of the best acting Stallone has done since Copland. Copland was such a great movie, but you never really get to see him do anything kind of out of that Rocky type action hero type mold. So to see him go to, you

Ryan George (48:41)

Okay, yeah.

Cinik (49:08)

gangster from from what we’re normally seeing him as like the action hero shoot the gun guy is an interesting he’s showing some range that I didn’t expect from him so that that’s the first season was fantastic along the lines of the Mary Kingston kind of like as a surprise of the show being this good and quality on the Paramount Network so the second season than that it’s so far from what I’ve seen of it is holding up

Ryan George (49:35)

Yeah, that’s great. It’s definitely on my list of shows to watch. it’s like, you know, every time I see the ad for it, I’m like, it’s it, keep saying, I gotta watch it. like the idea, I’m definitely gonna get to that eventually.

Cinik (49:49)

Speaking of shows, Ryan, that were beautifully shot, we’re going back through Game of Thrones again because of our D &D campaign, because we’ve set it in Westeros, and rewatching some of it. I think we’re up to season two or three. That show was so beautifully shot in certain places. Like, it doesn’t nearly get the credit it deserves for that. Like, the cinematography was amazing.

Ryan George (50:05)

Yeah. yeah.


Yeah, no, it was great. It really, really was. It’s something otherworldly in some spots. It’s crazy just to shame how like those last few seasons re -ruined what was such a great show.

Cinik (50:23)

Well, let’s look at it like we’re looking at Dave Grohl and we’re looking at it like Emily Armstrong from Linkin Park. Let’s look at it like that doesn’t take away from the whole the end of the whole series as a whole, like the acting. I know.

Ryan George (50:26)


Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, it’s hard with this. Yeah, I guess it’s hard with like a narrative, right? Because like, if it’s it’s a band, they could have seven albums and the first three are amazing and the last four suck. But we can always just say the first three are amazing. I just won’t listen to the last four. like with like, but the Game of Thrones is kind of hard because yeah, it’s like you can’t you need that whole thing. But you can always say like, look, seasons one, two, three, four, five, even six are great. And yeah, I could just watch those and, you know, last couple of seasons. Yeah.

Cinik (51:01)

I mean, there’s parts of the last season that are redeeming as well.

Ryan George (51:04)

No, absolutely. Yeah. I think we’ve talked about it at Nausium at this point. We’ve that show so much. You know, none of us hated it. It was such a shift from the first six seasons. That was the big thing. It’s like a completely different show. And it was clear that they’d phoned it in. So was like all of a sudden where we got a lot of rich storytelling, was like, we just got to get… It went from like…

We’re going to tell you the story the way it needs to be told, so we’re going to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible to get over this thing.

Cinik (51:36)

Well, they had to hurry up and get to three body problem, you know, six years later.

Ryan George (51:39)

No, they had to hurry up and get to Confederate. They had to get to Confederate, which people are like, what the hell? You’re going to write an alternate history about the Civil War? Yeah, that sounds great. And then they got to three body problems. But hey, three body problem is fine. Again, I don’t know if should have been any level, but hey, it was a perfectly fine show.

Cinik (51:43)

yeah, yeah, yeah,

Well, they got to nominate something. They’ve got to fill out these categories at the end of the day. You know, they can’t just be two or three things. They’ve got to, you know, they’ve got to spread the love a little bit. But I mean, overall, the it’s it’s a popularity contest, and it doesn’t represent in who you feel was the best. I mean, we’re all going to it’s all subjective, really.

Ryan George (52:03)

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Nah, that’s so true.


Exactly. mean, we’ll always remember like the Dark Knight was not nominated for an Oscar, which is still like to this day, one of the great travesties in film, in modern film.

Cinik (52:36)

Absolutely crazy.

Ryan George (52:37)

Yeah, or I mean, you know what, like, to be honest, the best actor this year did not get nominated, and that would be Anthony Starr. Right? Like.

Cinik (52:47)

Yeah, I was disappointed that he didn’t even get nominated. all right, you’re not going to win. Joe Gunn was like kind of an epic. I mean, we’re to get one more season of the boys, so maybe he’ll get another shot at it. But I’m not sure what much more the guy can do. You know.

Ryan George (52:50)




What can he do? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, something that’s things like he was so good that like if he was on that list, I would have been like, no, no, I would have given it to him because, you know, he’s so good in that role. I guess part of it’s that the boys is this kind of crazy, dumb kind of superhero show. like whatever you think of the boys, like Anthony stars, incredible in it. So probably something. But.

Cinik (53:20)

Yeah. I love that video that I sent you guys of Anthony star basically being Homelander in real life. Like he just has a bit of a hair trigger and gets annoyed real easy. It’s fantastic.

Ryan George (53:24)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, it’s great. It was funny. You know, when we go to Comic Cons, I typically, I’m not, you we don’t do a lot of the, don’t generally, we’re not often will pay for like an autograph or photo op, but he was the one, one of the few that when I saw that he was in a photo op a couple of years ago, I was like, I gotta get, you know, I gotta get a shot with Anthony Star. He was super nice. Like the moment, you know, for the 10 seconds we got to get a picture with him.

But yeah, that video is great. All right. I guess that’s it. So yes, guess you’ll be back in a couple weeks. Hopefully we will both have seen maybe Veal Juice and or the James Backward movies, whatever it’s called. I’m forgetting now. But we could do a proper review those at some point. But that is it. All this stuff is at portablehole .com. And Cynic, until next time.

Cinik (54:21)

Watch out for Justin’s hole.

Ryan George (54:23)

Ha ha ha.

Nice, perfect, it came in under an hour, great.

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