PHP #17: House of the Dragon S2 E3, The Boys S4 E5, The Acolyte S1 E5, and The Bear


In this episode of the Portable Hole Podcast, the hosts discuss various topics including music, home ownership, and what they’ve been watching recently. They review the latest episode of The Acolyte and share their thoughts on the show. They also talk about a documentary on competitive eating and the latest season of The Bear. The Majority of the episode features their reviews of Season 2 Episode 3 of House of the Dragon and Season 4 Episode 5 of The Boys.

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Ryan (00:29)

Welcome to the Portable Hole Podcast. I’m Ryan George and I’m here with my good friends, Justin and Sinek. How you guys doing?

[email protected] (00:36)

Pretty good, I’m down here in Nashville and just been working on things down here, so working on a lot of songwriting, which is good. Probably head back, mostly country, but a few other things as well.

Ryan (00:46)

So country or a different genre?

Yeah. When are you coming back to New York?

[email protected] (00:52)

So I’m going to be, well, it’s a Wednesday now. So I will be leaving. I’m not, I don’t want to drive on July 4th. So I’ll probably leave on Friday and not hit any, any insanity. Plus I don’t love the idea of driving on things like July 4th. There’s always like drunk drivers and stuff on the roads. Probably, especially if you’re driving in, you know, two, seven hour shifts, probably, best to avoid it.

Ryan (01:15)

Yeah. Yeah. How are you doing? How are you doing, Sinek?

Cinik (01:18)

Well, not so great, Ryan, my central air unit died, which I was going to replace at the end of summer anyway, but it decided to go ahead and jump ugly early. So, we’re going to get them both replaced. We have a plan. The local electric company will, basically put them in for free and then, you know, charge you interest free for like, how long, however long it takes to pay, pay them off. So yeah, that it works out. I mean, it’s more than affordable and I think they give you like a 10 year warranty on them, which is fantastic.

Ryan (01:20)

Oof. Oof. Yeah.

So what are you going to do? OK.

Nice, when are they installing it?

Cinik (01:48)

Tuesday, so I had to go out and buy some portable units in the meantime because it was warm.

Ryan (01:51)

God. Yeah, yeah. Today’s not too bad, but at least when I was outside today, I don’t know how it got, but it’s been a rough week.

[email protected] (01:51)

yeah. Yeah.

It’s brutal out here. Welcome to home ownership. It’s always something.

Cinik (02:02)

yeah, well that’s what I was explaining to my better half is that it’s, if it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Ryan (02:02)


[email protected] (02:08)

Never ending.

Ryan (02:09)

Okay, cool.

Yeah, like sounds good and is but that yeah, it’s like the headache that, you know, at least when things break down, you can call the landlord and be like, all right, fix this.

Cinik (02:18)

but home prices and rents just keep going up and up and up. So it’s a good time to own.

Ryan (02:20)

Yeah, that’s a problem. Yeah, no, absolutely. Especially, especially in New York where things are not cheap. It is not cheap to live here, but on any stretch. Anyway, so yeah.

[email protected] (02:31)

My, we just got a, we just got a, from our buyers, we just got a whole list of basically demands being like, well, we want, we want $8 ,000 and we want you to fix this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, like, okay, we’ll see what we got to do. That’s just how it goes.

Ryan (02:51)

Yeah. When does the cell go through?

[email protected] (02:54)

Supposedly August 30th. Are you gonna be around during, are you gonna be around my birthday?

Ryan (02:56)

All right. Well, good luck. Good luck with that.

[email protected] (03:04)

You usually leave, you usually travel. Are you traveling then?

Ryan (03:04)

We always travel on your, yeah. We always travel. Yeah. Cause because it’s because, Anna works summer school. So, and that it ends like around the end of, end of August. So I’m not sure. We’ll see. I, I, I, we, we do have something booked. There was one year that we weren’t. Yeah. It was a few years ago. I think it was your 40th.

[email protected] (03:14)

okay. There was one time when you were…

Cinik (03:23)

Yeah, the question is, are you guys gonna be around on my birthday, which is coming up? We’ve talked about this and I’m not gonna say it on air.

[email protected] (03:23)


Ryan (03:26)

When, when, when’s your birthday?

Okay, alright.

Cinik (03:32)

It’s around when Deadpool comes out.

Ryan (03:34)

Okay, yeah, well, I’ll be around then, definitely.

[email protected] (03:37)

And we have, and we’re doing, and for everyone out there, we’re starting our little D &D league. I’m an elf. Can I, I like my, did you guys like my elven name and backstory? Well, it’s a great name. What do you mean? It’s a great name.

Ryan (03:51)

No, your name is terrible. You’re gonna have to come up with something. You’re gonna have to come up with

Cinik (03:52)

Yeah, it’s the worst.

I’m just gonna take to calling your character Justin.

Ryan (04:02)

Yeah, come up with a real name for it. All right. Anyway, let’s get into, you know, maybe if it goes well, maybe we’ll do a D &D podcast. Yeah. Well, if you, if, all right, if you want to know what the name is, then comment and we maybe we’ll post it if enough people ask on YouTube. If all eight of our listeners ask on YouTube. Yeah. There’s no way to comment on a podcast. If a decent amount of people listen to the podcast, so YouTube, not so much.

[email protected] (04:02)


You leave everyone wanting to know what this name is.

Ryan (04:29)

But anyway, yeah, comment and maybe Justin will share his ridiculous name. All right, so anyway, let’s get

[email protected] (04:32)



Ryan (04:37)

let’s get, so we have three reviews or kind of reviews. We’re gonna, we’ll talk about Game of Thrones and the boys and we’ll share a little bit on the Acolyte, which not a lot went on this week, so not gonna do a full review. But first we’ll talk a little bit about what we’ve been watching. So, Cynic, what have you been watching recently?

Cinik (04:53)

Well, over on the Paramount out, there’s two documentaries that have caught my eye and I sat down and treached through them. They’re actually very good. One was called How Music Got Free. And it was the story about how everything was being pirated around the time of Limewire and Napster and how they were getting it before it was released, which that’s super surprising how it was all taking place and how they found out about it. I have a feeling that Eminem and maybe 50 Cent were behind it because they’re all over the documentary. So.

Ryan (05:07)


[email protected] (05:10)


Ryan (05:15)

really interesting.


Cinik (05:22)

and a lot of the people, you know, Jimmy Iveen and Dr. Dre. And so I have a feeling that that probably came from their camp because it impacted Eminem, you know, the most out of a lot of the artists that were being pirated at the time. So yeah, it’s interesting. It takes a definite turn. I won’t spoil it, but the leaks weren’t coming from any place that you would guess, which is kind of interesting.

[email protected] (05:22)


Ryan (05:45)

Interesting, okay. Alright, I’ll check that out.

Cinik (05:47)

And the second one is also in Paramount, they released a documentary about Lollapalooza, which was very good. It was the history of Lollapalooza from the very beginning with Jane’s addiction all the way to the very end where they end up in Chicago on a yearly basis. Excellent. A lot of stuff with Perry Farrell, a lot of stuff with the, the groups that were there in the beginning, Ice -T, you know, just real fantastic stuff. And if you grew up in the Lollapalooza era, which I did see a couple of them,

Ryan (05:53)



Cinik (06:15)

know, it’s great to go back and relive that and a lot of stuff happened with it that I didn’t even realize. So it’s worth a watch.

[email protected] (06:17)

Which we certainly did.

Ryan (06:23)

Yeah, that’s cool. Paramount kind of has some good stuff, you know, compared to the other things. We’ve been watching Evil, which is really good. You know, it’s a tough show. It’s like a network. I don’t know if it started on network, but it’s kind of like a network, it has a network -y feel, but it’s kind of a, it’s a group of, there’s basically, what’s it, Mike Coulter plays a priest, along with, like, there’s a skeptic and then a scientist, and they go, you know, and they go kind of investigating, like, kind of,

Cinik (06:42)

Mm -hmm. He’s fantastic.

Ryan (06:52)

interesting weird things, you know, and it’s kind of, it’s got a supernatural feel, kind of horror feel at times. It’s really funny at times. Just really well done, but we’ve been watching that. And the big thing, so we actually binged the entire season of The Bear. So I know, I know, Cynic, you’re a big fan of seasons one and two. Justin, have you seen The Bear?

[email protected] (07:12)

I haven’t, but I will, I’ll, that’s probably the next, that’s the next show. After I’m done with HOD.

Ryan (07:15)

Yeah. So.

So the bears are gr –

Yeah. So the bear season, like the bears are great show. Seasons one and two were awesome. very, you know, masterful use of tension, great characters, great dialogue, great writing. and I think, you know, I know that the season, the reviews for season three have been kind of all over the place. and I, you know, without giving too much away, I think season three is a bit of a mixed bag, you know, to, to a large extent, I feel like it is a season that they, they kind of

bought into how good the show was and the critical acclaim because it very much is like the entire season is very self -indulgent. You know, it feels like, you know, like you get with the bear with the first couple of seasons, like you get one or two episodes that were like, clearly like, okay, this is the auteur episode. This is the one where we’re just going to kind of go for it and do something artsy and not care about it. And that’s fine. That’s totally cool. One of the things that makes the show work. The problem with this season is it feels like the entire season is like that. Like the very first episode actually. So the very first episode you watch.

I, there’s a song, it reminds me a lot. Trent Reznor is the, is one of the composers and there’s a song that reminds me very much of a nine inch nails song. And it basically, the entire episode is just like a montage with this song over it, which I really liked. Problem is that the rest of the season gets so artsy and up its own ass at times that like, it just, it was a little too pretentious for its own good. And so what happens is because of that, because it was playing with timelines and doing a lot of flashbacks.

there wasn’t much momentum, like there wasn’t much narratively that happens. Like there’s some good character work. It’s funny at times. You know, you learn some things about characters, but there’s not the same kind of tension that the show like thrives on. You know, like you, you know, that tension that you feel the first two seasons, you don’t get here. And so it just never quite lives up to the first two seasons. And I think to a large extent, it’s just kind of, again, it’s just a little pretentious. And so I’m hoping that, you know, next season kind of comes back to, you know, brings it back to normal.

But that was a disappointing thing with this season is just that, you know, it didn’t get that tension and that anxiety that the show’s supposed to, you know, really produce for you. Yeah.

Cinik (09:24)

And that was my worry going into it because the least interesting parts for me in the first two seasons where we’re Carmen was the chef, the, you know, the, the high -end chef and him and the conflict going along with it and the, kind of PSTD was dealing with from it. And, I thought the show survived in a bubble where you rooted for them because they were lovable losers. And now that they’re getting semi successful, I worried that it was going to go back into the parts that I didn’t like so much.

Ryan (09:34)



Yeah. Well, and you’re really going to hate this season. from that perspective, like the thing is they, they, there’s a good setup for, you know, how to make it work in that environment. But I just don’t think they, they, they hit it. Cause I think again, it was just so focused on being artsy too much of the time. and there’s a couple, there’s, there’s some good cameos. There’s one cameo that will take you out of it, whether it’s good or not. Like I thought it was funny. It’s going to completely take you out of it. but again, you know, worth watching if you’re a fan of the show and I’m hoping that like.

next season gets back to what makes that show work. And so Justin, have you been watching anything? Yeah.

[email protected] (10:29)

So the question is, so the first question I have is for someone like me who hasn’t started watching it yet, does knowing that season three is a bit of a letdown because by the way you’re saying it, like that you’re not enjoying season three, is that a letdown for saying, no, I should, you know, for, should I like that influenced me in watching episodes, seasons one and two?

Ryan (10:57)

I would say no, because seasons one and two are so good, and it’s half hour episodes, it’s eight or nine or 10 episodes a season, something like that. So it’s not a huge buy -in, right? You’re not wasting a ton of time. And they’re so good that it’s worth it. Now the challenge is, it’s not like a show where season two ends cleanly, and then you could take or leave season three. In this case, season three happens right after season two.

[email protected] (10:58)


That’s easy to watch.

Ryan (11:24)

and the events of season two, you know, lead you into it. So you, you, you want to know what happens. And so that’s the, some of the frustration, but definitely I wouldn’t, I would still watch it. And I, and I’m not saying season three is bad. It’s not bad by any means. There’s some really good stuff. There’s a couple of great episodes in it. It is artsy, but I think the problem is just that it’s not the same as the previous two seasons. And that’s the problem. So it’s not bad by any means. It’s not like, you know, what, I think there was some redeeming qualities of like,

[email protected] (11:38)

not up to the level.

Ryan (11:53)

season eight of Game of Thrones. But like, it’s not the drop off that you get from like seasons one to six of Game of Thrones and then season, you know, like seven and eight. You know, it’s not that kind of drop off in quality. It’s just like, it’s doing different things. And I think it’s not the thing that it does the best. We don’t get that, but it’s still totally worth watching.

Cinik (12:14)

I went into that show not thinking that I wasn’t going to like it because it’s not really my type of show and I ended up loving it. So the next three seasons could be garbage or worse than Ryan saying it, that doesn’t undo what they did in the first two seasons because the show was thoughtful and beautiful and really gripping.

Ryan (12:18)

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, and in a vacuum, almost every single episode of the season is good and has something of value to it, except one that I think is mixed. There’s one episode I just thought was incredibly boring, but I know other people that thought it was great, but every individual episode’s good. It’s just that it never does what the show does best. That’s it. All right, Justin, have you been watching anything or are you just trying to keep up with all of our shows?

[email protected] (12:51)

So I’m trying to keep up one thing I saw that there’s some new 30 for 30s and I’m a big fan of sports documentaries. So one that they did was, which is a little off the beaten path and I was actually surprised to see it. And cause it’s something that’s always interested me was the Coney Island eating competition, you know, like the hot dogs. And so it’s one of those things that even if

you’re not interested, you want to see sports documentaries. And it’s hard to call that a sport, right? Competitive eating. But I think it’s interesting enough, even if you could just care less, it follows Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut and those guys. And it kind of gives you some insight into a little slice of life. A stranger, that’s not the first thing on competitive eating that I’ve seen.

it sort of makes it accessible that even if you don’t like say you think it’s disgusting, like I could care less about competitive eating. It’s still a nice watch, right? Cause obviously, cause they, you know, they focus on the, you know, the characters, but that’s all I, not too much to say about that. But I don’t know. I’ve always enjoyed competitive eating and like the concept of it maybe for the cause it was funny, but.

And it’s such a very American thing, the idea of like, how many hot dogs can you stuff, you know, in your face in two minutes or something like that. So, and I guess in reference to tomorrow, which we’re going to, you know, they’ll see, they’ll do it again and we’ll see who takes the crown this year.

Cinik (14:38)

Well, it won’t be Joey Chestnut. Now after he won his first one or two, he was on Howard Stern and did like a long form interview with him. And he does train like a professional athlete because he’s got to burn all these calories after. Like he was in fantastic shape. he’s, I believe he’s no longer part of it because he signed some sort of deal with a non -meat hot dog company, which I don’t know why, you know, Nathan’s would have a problem with that. Talk about biting the hands that feed you and not swallowing, you know, it’s just.

Ryan (14:39)


[email protected] (14:47)

He does, yeah, it’s true.

Yeah. Yeah.

Ryan (14:59)


Yeah. Yeah.

[email protected] (15:06)

Well, it might be that Nathan’s, maybe it’s not that Nathan’s had a problem, that maybe it was that the other company had a problem with it. Maybe they’re like, we don’t want you eating, if you’re signing this, we don’t want you eating the meat hot dogs, we don’t want you making that appearance. So maybe that was part of his contract.

Ryan (15:14)

I think Nathan’s had the problem.

Cinik (15:21)

I mean, how long can you do this for anyway? I think he won like 10, 12 times. You know, maybe it’s time to hang up the…

Ryan (15:24)

Yeah. Yeah.

[email protected] (15:27)

Yeah, he’s, I mean, I think so. Especially if you…

Ryan (15:29)

Exactly. Can hang it up.

Cinik (15:31)

the hot dog helmet and just not kill yourself.

Ryan (15:34)

Yeah, seriously. So, all right, so let’s, so we’ll get, let’s get to our reviews because we had a few things to talk about before. So first thing we’ll talk about quickly is the acolyte. Justin hasn’t seen it. I think he’s given up on it. I’m shocked that cynic hasn’t completely given up watching it, but, episode six, right, dropped last night and,

What were you quick quick overview review of episode six of the accolades?

Cinik (16:03)

I mean, there was just not a lot going on. We split the sisters off into opposite camps and hilarity ensued. Actually, nothing ensued, if we’re being honest. Just a lot of dialogue. Once again, unfortunately, they’ve named many, would we decide his last name is Jacinto, the stranger, which just has all kinds of negative connotations to it.

Ryan (16:10)

That’s it.

Yeah, Manny Jacinto. Yeah, yeah, the stranger.

Cinik (16:28)

But they named him the stranger, but he was the most interesting part of the interview. And what Ryan and I were saying before we came on air, we kind of wish the show was just about him. Him hunting Jedi would be perfect rather than dealing with the Asha and all that nonsense.

Ryan (16:43)

Yeah, well, I think part of it is they, so it’s frustrating, because I think they gave him that mystery that you want in a character, and they’re giving him a lot, he’s got a lot of good stuff to work with, and he’s interesting, he’s got, you know, he’s got good performance, and we want to know, like, okay, he was a Jedi, he’s extremely powerful, he’s got a good look, so he has all these things that are really interesting, why get this in episode six, right, when we only got two more left? And I think, you know,

Unfortunately, this episode was very much like, as we talked about earlier, Sinek and you said, it’s like, it was a filler episode. And there was good stuff, but I feel like a lot of this stuff could have been spread out over other episodes, or we should have just gotten this earlier. Like this should have been episode two or three. You know, him trying to seduce Osha over to the dark side. There’s some really, there’s really good intrigue here because it’s like, you have these twins who are on opposite sides of the spectrum. And now it seems like anything could happen, right? Like.

Osha could turn to the dark side, Mei could turn to the light side, Saul could turn… Well, see, so I… Well… I… Yeah, it does. I think her performance is good enough that I feel like they’re different characters. I do think she’s done a good enough job.

Cinik (17:41)

And I don’t care.

Does it make a difference to the same person?

But I mean, if you take the exact same person and swap them in places, does it matter? We end up in the same spot that we were. It could have been The Stranger vs. Saul and it would have been a better show. If they were just hunting this unknown Sith, it would have been a better show.

Ryan (17:58)

That’s a fair point. I…

Yeah, it probably, quite possibly, right? Like that, we could have gotten it, but I still don’t think, I think her performance has been good. And given what we have of the show, there’s good intrigue. I’m interested to see if we do have this like double switch, you know, between the characters. I’m interested to see if Saul turns or what’s the deal with the Jedi with the, what were your thoughts on the whip lightsaber?

Cinik (18:30)

I mean, it was a gag. You know what I mean? Like it was cool. We saw a little bit of it and then it went away. I mean, I really feel like they busted their nut 30 seconds into lovemaking. You know, last week was amazing and exciting and I was like, I want more of that. And we completely hit the brakes and went from 70 to zero.

Ryan (18:38)




Yeah, so that’s unfortunate. I think it was like, it’s like a pacing issue, because I think all the stuff, this episode does some good things with the show and makes me interested, but it’s at a weird spot. And I don’t know what the show wants to be or what they’re going to do or how they’re going to stick the landing. So yeah, it’s like, look, it’s Star Wars. I’m going to keep watching. We’ve got, at least we have an interesting character and maybe they can pivot for season two, depending on what happens here. But yeah, it’s like, it’s just a little, it’s like, it’s a lot of weird choices made.

for this show.

Cinik (19:22)

Right now, if I gun to your head, Ryan, what do you think the percentage chances are that we see a second season?

Ryan (19:27)

I think it’s pretty high, to be honest. Yeah, I think we’ll see a second season.

Cinik (19:29)

You think so? I think we’re at about 35%. And if they kill this Sith, I’m going to be extremely disappointed.

Ryan (19:36)

If they, so here’s, if they, I don’t think they’ll kill the Sith. But I could be wrong, but I think she mentioned, I think the show runner mentioned not getting all of his backstory until possibly season two or further seasons. So I don’t think they’ll kill him off. I think that from what I’ve read, like the show’s doing well enough that.

I could see it getting another season. We got a really cool character. They just put his mask helmet on sale. If nothing else, I’m sure it’s an expensive show to make. But I get the feeling that they’re gonna give this at least another season. It’s pretty cool. It’s one of those, I might try to 3D print it. If I find a good 3D model of it, I might try to make it. Because it does look pretty bad ass.

Cinik (20:12)

I may get that helmet, it’s actually kind of badass.

Yeah, I just, I don’t know because at least the naysayers on YouTube are calling it doomed and it’s already canceled and you know, the people involved will no longer be involved in Star Wars properties, but there’s no proof behind all the naysay. It’s just, I’m gonna get on there and I’m gonna try to fish for clicks.

Ryan (20:27)



Yeah, for better, for worse, like as long as Kathleen Kennedy’s in charge, I could see this show getting another season, right? And so, and again, if the rating, it doesn’t seem like it’s been a massive bomb. It hasn’t been a success that like maybe the Mandalorian was, but it hasn’t been a massive bomb. It seems like they’re allowing the participants involved in it to speak their minds and that there’s not like a gag order now on them to not say anything.

So I have a feeling that Disney and Lucasfilm was behind them. And so I feel like the show will get another season. So we’ll see.

Cinik (21:11)

Not that I want to give him a shout out, but you need to look into Mike Zero on YouTube. He’s a naysayer, but he makes the same video every single day, but he’ll just switch the way he says the names, like the order in which he says the names, but he’ll say the same thing two or three times. And the guy gets like a hundred thousand views. I just don’t understand why people are so drawn to negativity.

Ryan (21:14)




Yeah. yeah, I mean, they are right. And that’s the things, those are the, those are the videos. There’s so many times, whether it’s like sports or, you know, related to TV or movies where you’ll see even like the, the thumbnail and like the title will be super negative. And then when you actually read the thing, it’s like, that wasn’t that bad. So, you know, it’s kind of what we get. and I was going to say before we jump into, our other reviews, did you guys see the, Alex Pereira fight? Is he, is he the best pound for pound fighter in the world?

[email protected] (21:44)


Cinik (21:59)

I wouldn’t get in the ring with him, but I wouldn’t like his chances against John Jones, just because of the size difference and Jones’s wrestling background.

Ryan (22:04)

Yeah, and the wrestling. Yeah.

[email protected] (22:05)


I think he’s, not to take anything away from him, but I think he’s a circumstance of a bit of a weaker division in the light heavyweight right now. I think that a few that some years back when there was sort of a murderer’s row and there was a lot of very good wrestlers as well that had a lot of punching power, that would have been a much tougher

Ryan (22:30)



[email protected] (22:35)

division for him to try to conquer but he’s great like in general and he’s getting better and Yeah, no, he’s a great fighter, but I do think a little bit of it is circumstantial Like I don’t think he could beat John Jones But then again, I think John Jones is it’s it’s almost not fair because who can beat John. No one can beat John Jones He’s the best so

Ryan (22:41)


Yeah. Yeah. What weight would that fight be at?

Cinik (22:59)

It would have to be heavyweight. John Jones isn’t coming back down. Have you seen him? He’s a big boy now. He’s thick. Yeah, I don’t know if John Jones could make 205 again. Like he’s that big. But listen, I mean…

[email protected] (23:00)

No, it would have to be heavyweight. Now they couldn’t do light heavyweight, yeah.

Ryan (23:00)

Yeah, she’s not going back. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I don’t think they can win. I mean, yeah, just not. Yeah. Yeah.

[email protected] (23:10)

Probably not, or maybe a catch weight, or maybe if it’s not for a title, maybe they do a catch weight, something like that, which is strange in that you rarely see that in the heavier divisions.

Ryan (23:15)


Cinik (23:19)

We can only, he can only fight the people they put in front of him. So weak division or not, the guy has two titles in two different divisions in less than what, 10 fights?

Ryan (23:22)


[email protected] (23:23)


Absolutely. He’s amazing. There’s no question about it. I think that in the light heavy, I think. Middleweight? Yeah, I think he’s cleaning house. I think light heavyweight, I think that would be a little tougher.

Ryan (23:27)


I think just a fair point. Like I think it’s not, you don’t have like the, you know, there, there was that period where you had like, you know, Cormier and Jones and Rumble Johnson and it was just like, you know, just, yeah, murderers role of guys. And it’s, it’s not that right now. but no, so impressive. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. When it was like that, John Jones went through everybody. So pretty much. Yeah. Right. Yeah.

Cinik (23:47)

two. Yeah, two or five was the spot.

And when it was like that, John Jones went through all of them.

[email protected] (23:55)

But once again, not his fault. Yeah, well, look, you’re talking about the Michael Jordan of MMA here. So just how it goes.

Cinik (24:06)

I’ve said it forever, the only person that could ever beat John Jones is John Jones. Cormier came close a couple times, he had him stunned a few times, but just not on his level.

Ryan (24:10)


[email protected] (24:10)

It’s himself.

Cormier. Well, Gus was the close, that was definitely the closest, right? It was a good fight.

Ryan (24:15)

Yeah, no.

Cinik (24:19)

that was such a good fight, that first fight. But you know, this is what has been bothering me as late with UFC as a whole. These second fights that we’re getting are nowhere close to the first fights. Like they’re nowhere near as good. Where if we used to see a two, I just think that…

Ryan (24:19)

Yeah. Yeah.


[email protected] (24:32)

Yeah, I don’t know why that. Yeah. I don’t know why that is.

Cinik (24:43)

I think the party that wins improves and they correct the reason why it was close. You know what I mean? Like they get faster in the race is what I’m saying. Like they’re ahead. Like this was not a competitive fight.

Ryan (24:50)


[email protected] (24:53)


Ryan (24:58)

Yeah. No, exactly.

[email protected] (24:59)

Although Pereira and Israel had some good battles.

Ryan (25:03)

Yeah, I mean, but but they fought like so many times. They fought a bunch of, you know, two or three times in kickboxing a couple times. Yeah. Yeah.

Cinik (25:03)


[email protected] (25:05)

Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, they’ve been fighting for, yeah, for a long time.

Cinik (25:10)

I’m not an Izzy fan, but the fact that he knocked Pereira out is fucking amazing. Yeah.

Ryan (25:13)

Yeah. I mean, he’s great. You know, that, and that’s the thing is like, you know, anybody at any time and he, and the fact is like the first, their first fight, well, the first UFC fight is he was winning until he lost, you know? And I think the same thing when they were kickboxing. So yeah, I mean, that’s just kind of that, you know, kind of them’s the breaks, right? With, with, with striking is, you know, that when you have that kind of power, it’s like, it’s, it’s

Cinik (25:23)


[email protected] (25:30)

That’s it.

and you have those gloves that make it that favor the striker, the gloves that turn your hand into a weapon.

Ryan (25:41)

Yeah. Justin, you’ll appreciate it. I took my first wrestling class a couple of weeks ago. I joined a gym. No, no, no wrestling wrestling. Like, so there’s a new gym, a gym that I joined. They’ve got a one day week on Wednesday nights to have wrestling, but I could, I just happened to be free that day. Normally I can’t do wrestling.

[email protected] (25:46)

Ew, what, a pro wrestling?


Why? Why do you want to have like a sore? Like dude, you’re like, you’re almost 50 now. So like, you’re just like, I don’t care how good a shape you’re in, right? Yeah, it’s fun until like your neck and your knee, everything hurts. It’s just like, it’s just like pain. It’s just not fun. It’s not fun. Yeah. It’s like, my back.

Ryan (26:03)

It was fun.

Cinik (26:06)


Ryan (26:11)

Yeah. Yeah, no, I know. I felt it. Felt it. Definitely.

Cinik (26:17)

Yeah, you’re talking about sparring. You’re talking about sparring being bad for your wrestling is even worse. I mean, I got wrecked in jiu jitsu once I thought the guy was going to pull my arm off.

Ryan (26:21)

Yeah, yeah, no.

[email protected] (26:22)

Ugh, brutal.

Ryan (26:26)

Yeah, yeah, no, it was fun hurt hurt afterwards but but good for the ego too because I was by far the oldest person in the class but Did held my own so it’s fun. All right. So anyway, we’ll get to us. Let’s get to our view So we’ll start with the boys since Justin you’ve seen that So we’re on the boys so season 4 episode 5 You can’t get crazier does so it starts off with the v52 expo which was the

[email protected] (26:28)

Yeah, it’s fun but…

That is good, yeah. It’s good.

Mm -hmm.

Ryan (26:56)

the boys take on the D23, which is kind of like a Disney’s version of Comic -Con basically. And there were a million Easter eggs and a million funny moments. Cynic, did you have a favorite Easter egg or moment based on the V52 Expo?

Cinik (27:13)

You know, not really because I loved it all. Like, I was just eating it up. It just felt like we were living in a Marvel parody world.

Ryan (27:15)

It was, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, how about you Justin?

favorite favorite parody moment from it?

[email protected] (27:25)

man, I don’t know. I’m trying. Like, yeah, I did. Yeah, yeah, try to, yeah, listen, it’ll come back to me.

Ryan (27:28)

All right. I’ll, I’m going to, I will, I will list some things just cause I thought. So there, well, so there was some, there was some great stuff, like a bunch of like go woke, go broke stuff. So I know, I know Justin appreciated that. they were talking about Marvel’s, or, or the, Vaught phase seven through 19. So making fun of Marvel. they had the G men, which was their version of X men. and a bunch of like, if you looked at some Easter eggs or so, a bunch of, or like the, the video of the.

[email protected] (27:39)

Yeah, yeah, there was that.

Cinik (27:39)

Of course.


[email protected] (27:46)

Yeah, yeah.

X -Men, yeah, yeah.

Ryan (27:56)

or the video screen they put up, there’s a bunch of like X -Men, like, I forget what it was called, but like a Days of Future Past parody. There was a Tech Knight, which is their Batman character who talks about their Nirvana soundtrack and a 12 minute Just Black. So there’s some great stuff there. The Guardians of the Gdalkin movie. A -Train had a movie, A -Train into the multiverse. So yeah.

[email protected] (28:03)

There you go.


The Dalton, yeah, yeah, that was funny. yeah, that was hilarious. Yeah, the A -Train part was so funny.

Cinik (28:17)

You can hear.

Ryan (28:21)

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, so it’s great. yeah. So there’s so much good stuff. Yeah. Yeah. That was amazing. yeah. So, I mean, there was just a lot of good stuff and anyway, so we’ll go from piece by piece. so let’s start with Huey’s story. Cause Huey’s story actually got kind of interesting. So Cynic last week when we talked, you had mentioned that it was like, yeah, okay. So, so, what’s his name? Simon Pegg is getting paid to just sleep. Do you feel like he earned his paycheck a little bit with this episode?

Cinik (28:25)

Yeah, the stuff with Wolf Arrow last week was gold.

[email protected] (28:31)

Yeah, the Wolf out your hand.

Cinik (28:47)

Jesus Christ, that was a turn, huh? that was terrifying. I mean, yeah, and not only were the visuals interesting, but he acted his ass off and that 10 or 15 minutes spent more so than he’d done in the previous seasons, which was combined, which was great. Like I’ve always been a Simon Pegg fan, but that made me that much more. Yes.

Ryan (28:54)

Yeah. Yeah.

That might’ve been his best acting performance period. So like when, you know, it’s like, yeah, okay. He, he, he slept the entire season up until that moment where he had an episode where he got to do everything. So, so, Justin, the, he, he has, it, we’ve seen these type of like phase through powers, but was this like a unique use of it? Have you ever seen anything like this? Like him being able to just explode people from the inside.

[email protected] (29:17)


I wasn’t, I knew something was, there was going to be that negative turn when they’re like, well, we have to give him the V, right? I wasn’t expecting him to be so, so like brutally violent with what he does and not meaning to be. But I guess in retrospect, it makes perfect sense that he’s a bit, he’s a nebbish, right? This guy’s a nebbish and yet he’s given these ridiculous powers to like.

Ryan (29:47)

Yeah. Yeah.

[email protected] (30:00)

but not know it at the same time. I enjoyed that part thoroughly. It was unexpected when I was watching it, but in retrospect, of course they would give him a power like that. It makes sense that someone so sort of weak and unassuming would be able to do that and not be in control of what’s going on.

Ryan (30:16)

Yeah. Yeah. I think I love that part of it. Like he, he had this crazy power that like, and how terrifying is that power? Cause think about it. Like if you have the ability to phase through stuff and then just, then just materialize when you want, like that was actually like, that was one of the scariest powers. Like when you really think about it, especially if you had the ability to control it. so I think they did a really good job with that. So like basically, so you know, the, what ends up happening is he’s kind of has a, he doesn’t understand, you know, he kind of is not sure where he is or when he is and

[email protected] (30:24)


Ryan (30:46)

eventually they’re able to talk him down and then they have to make that decision to basically, you know, he has to kill himself or they have to put him to sleep. So, there was, there was a funny, yeah.

[email protected] (30:56)

Sorry to interrupt you, but about that, sorry. I just want to say it was a needed side quest. I’m gonna put it that way. Right, so were you gonna talk?

Ryan (31:04)

Yeah, okay. Yeah, so that’s actually my question. Yeah, cause I was just gonna say that, right? Like I’ve complained a little bit that some of the side quests have been kind of unnecessary or boring or taken us away, but did you feel, did you feel, so Justin, you felt like that kind of side, that side quest was important and valuable for the show.

[email protected] (31:20)

Yes, it was needed because a lot of the side quests were meandering. Now I had a few issues with another side quest that to me starts bordering on the cinema sins. But yes, that was needed because it was like, where is this going? It introduces Huey’s mom and brings her into the fold and it kind of gives a backstory.

And it’s just like, but this is sort of, all right, it’s sad, it’s meandering, all right, so he gives him the V, right, and then it’s like, whoa, right? And of course it makes sense, once again, in retrospect, but I think it needed it because that was a meandering storyline. And it closes the side quest pretty neatly, or at least seeming to, you know?

Ryan (32:12)

Yeah. It forces, forces Huey to kind of face, you know, deal with loss, which he clearly has a hard time with. And they make a, you know, kind of big deal about it with, with his pet Jar Jar and that the dad wouldn’t give him, you know, kind of power of attorney because he didn’t want him to keep him alive in, you know, to do exactly what he ended up kind of doing through his mother. So for that exact reason, it was like, yeah, we, you know, you’re, you’re not able to do that. And so I think it does, help advance Huey’s character. Were you going to say something, Sinek?

[email protected] (32:28)

Yeah, for that exact reason. Yeah.

Cinik (32:41)

I was just thinking that it left his character in a better place, even though he suffered this great loss. Like, I think there was more development in Huey’s character in those couple episodes than we had seen in previous seasons.

[email protected] (32:46)


Ryan (32:51)

Yeah. And then he’s got his mom and it seems like, you know, there, there was more there than her just leaving them. And so, you know, he lost a dad, but gained a mom. And yes, I’m in fact had like his, his Emmy awards appearance for this, for the, for the season. So, so the rest of the boys hatch a plan to, get the, I guess the virus that, that can potentially kill Supes. And the plan is to offer Stan Edgar immunity.

So he can take them to a barn where they are making the virus and they get there and they end up at a farm where there are soup chicken and soup sheep. How terrifying were they, cynic?

[email protected] (33:26)

That was…

Cinik (33:28)

Yeah, that was definitely an eye -opening situation. I’m pretty sure that there aren’t going to be many farmers taking liberties with those sheep in the future. That was unexpected and a lot of fun. I think the premise of what they’re doing is stupid. The whole, I’m going to get the virus to give it to… I don’t think it’s going to work. I think it’s a waste of time, but that was a fun sequence of gags.

Ryan (33:36)


Yeah, yeah, no, just…

Yeah, well, just, did any of that plan make sense, like logically? Yeah.

[email protected] (33:55)

It’s funny, I was gonna say the exact, so I was gonna say the exact same thing. It’s the overall, all right, so the overall thing is taking shape, right? They’re gonna get the virus. It’s fairly weak, this idea, let’s make a virus to kill off, to kill Homelander basically. Like it’s, or which once again, I don’t think it’s gonna work. I think it’s gonna be about, eventually it’s gonna, his son is gonna have to, it’s gonna beat him. They were hinting at that as well.

But yes, it’s a sort of a relatively weak plot point. And here’s my issue is that there was no urgency. It’s like, let’s get this virus. It felt like there was urgency. no, there was urgency to get out and not get eaten alive by the sheep. That’s not what I mean. I mean, for the main plot, it doesn’t seem like there was this urgency and that things need to happen now. And this sort of.

Ryan (34:39)

Yeah, okay.

[email protected] (34:50)

In a vacuum, it was very fun. But it sort of distracted from the fact that it’s a little bit of a weak plot point. Like, let’s get this virus in it, because you said, it doesn’t sound very strong. Let’s get this virus to kill off the soups. OK, that’s not a super strong plot point. But in the process of doing it, you get this crazy scene with the V’d up animals.

I don’t know, do you guys think that it was something like that is to disguise?

Ryan (35:19)

Yeah. It’s almost like it, it wouldn’t, I think it’s like, it was like a scene in need of a plot, right? Like they basically it was like, yeah, we want to have this crazy scene at a farm where there are these, you know, like these juiced up animals. Cause flying sheep who, you know, like that was actually like legitimately scary, but, and the idea of a virus that kills people with a, you know, compound V in their blood makes sense. So that is something, but yeah, I feel like it was a, a very haphazard plan.

[email protected] (35:26)




Ryan (35:47)

and very quickly put together. So I feel like that in that way, it’s like, I mean, you could have just, you know, at the end of the day, they end where they could have spent a little bit more time figuring out, which is they’ve got the scientists and now they’re going to try to try to, you know, build it.

Cinik (36:00)

The good of it was that we got the best line of the boys ever, that that guy’s in no condition to fuck a sheep is one of the best lines. I laughed my ass off at that. The bad was there was no way that Butcher had enough time to kidnap somebody, chop their leg off, and then place it someplace where it would be like those sequences of events happened way too quickly.

Ryan (36:07)

Yeah, that was great.

[email protected] (36:07)


for you.

Ha ha.

Ryan (36:23)

Yeah. Well, yeah. So I’m forgetting the guy’s name, but the actor that plays Samir who, who I guess is like, is typecast now as like mad scientist, cause he’s in the Mandalorian and, kind of plays the same kind of a role, but, you know, he’s also the father to, to Newman’s, kid. And, yeah. So butcher’s able to, to, so butcher kidnaps him chops his leg off to use it as kind of bait and, and, or not bait, but to show that he’s dead. like now,

[email protected] (36:32)


Ryan (36:53)

is they’ve always kind of had butcher and Homelander as like two sides of this, but are they kind of, you feel like they’re making butcher out to be just as bad as Homelander? He doesn’t care if his friend, all he cares, he does care about Ryan. It’s like, ironically, both of them have one thing in common. They care about Ryan and nothing else. And does it seem like they’re almost making butcher like too evil or too bad, or has he always kind of been like that?

Cinik (37:15)

It almost feels like they’re trying to make them equals. Like in the sense of their actions hold the same amount of weight, whether it be guilt or innocence. Like they’re trying to slightly humanize Homeland while making Butcher like this crazy tyrant. I did figure something out though, and I think it might be a bit of a spoiler. Do you want me to say it?

Ryan (37:36)

I probably heard it or read it, but what? Yeah.

Cinik (37:38)

Yeah, that Jeffrey and Dave Morgan isn’t actually there. Like, yeah, he’s pulling a sixth sense on us.

Ryan (37:41)

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, exactly. So yeah, the idea is like that the tumor he has, that like sentient tumor is like causing these visions of Becca and possibly of Jeopardy Morgan, forget his name in the show. But that seems right. Because it’s like when you think about it, yeah, like he hasn’t communicated with anybody. And what’s his name? Samir kind of gave him a weird look, like, hey, what are you talking to? So.

Cinik (38:02)


Yeah, he hasn’t physically touched anybody or done anything. He didn’t provide the drugs. There was a lot of things. I was sitting there watching that and I kind of went back through it. I’m like, yeah, I think this might be symptomatic of the brain tumor.

Ryan (38:12)


Yeah, exactly. And it seems like they’re characters that are driving Butcher to do things that he needs to do. So that definitely makes a lot of sense.

[email protected] (38:24)


Well, in D &D terms, Butcher would be chaotic neutral, while Homelander would be chaotic evil, chaotic bad. So I think there’s the one difference, so far, yes, is that Butcher will do anything to get the gold, but he is one tier below or above Homelander in terms of being evil, because Homelander will, for no reason,

Cinik (38:36)

so far.

[email protected] (38:56)

do hurt people or torture people. For Butcher, at least there’s a reason. Like when he went back to basically terrorize the scientists, the old crew that were raising him, basically to terrorize and torture them, and he put that guy in the heating thing just for fun. So I think that is the one difference. So now, what do you guys think of the… I have major problems with it.

Ryan (39:00)


Okay, okay.


[email protected] (39:25)

Starlight’s, you know, beating the shit out of what’s her name. It’s like she got overcome with emotion and she went to, you know, because she revealed this stuff about her and then she went in her and she loses her cool and beats her up. So what I’m wondering is, it’s very CinemaSins because Starlight doesn’t know that this stuff would be said about her.

She didn’t, you know, doesn’t know what they’re capable of. It’s like, all of a sudden she says these things. and that’s what drives her over the top. It’s like, yeah. You know, she’s like, she’s been in fights and stuff. It’s to me, it seemed, it seemed sort of like a contrived to get Starlight to break character and, you know, go to the dark side a little bit and to cause drama around her. Just to me, it seemed weird, but.

Ryan (40:02)

Yeah, I mean…

I don’t know. It didn’t seem that weird. It’s like, I think there was a lot of build to that, right? Like they have a history. You know, she doesn’t want to be Starlight. She’s dealing with a lot of stress of, you know, her people getting attacked and assaulted. And then you have, you know, so I could buy that, you know, her as a character has been dealing with kind of this building, building stress and anxiety. And then it’s like, it, she just explodes, right? When there’s this very personal thing that she doesn’t want anybody to know about her.

comes out, I could see that happening. So I’m not, I mean, in a show of like, you know, all, you know, I mean, look, the amount of things we get in this show, that’s, that’s the probably the most believable thing. Yeah. No, no.

[email protected] (40:58)

Well, let’s see, and see, that’s an interesting way to put it, the most believable thing, but see, when everything is so unbelievable or more fantastic, then when you get something like that, it’s more in -world reality is what I’m talking about. So it just didn’t seem in character. Like, remember, it’s all about in -world, does it make sense? And to me, it just, it seemed out of left field, but I see what you’re saying.

Ryan (41:12)

Yeah, no, I know, I know. I’m being a little facetious.

Yeah, well I think, but –

Yeah, I mean, I feel like I said, I think it did just cause it’s like, okay, she’s blowing up, you know, and that’s that, but no, but I can, I can understand that. So it seemed a little bit about out of character and out of left field, but you know, I could see somebody under the stress that she’s under. I can, I can kind of see that. And it’s like, she hasn’t fought anybody, you know, and, and this person’s awful and like, you know, I would, I would, I, you know, I don’t blame her. So,

[email protected] (41:42)

No, no, it’s like…

Cinik (41:49)

Yeah, Sister Sage is really playing this, playing them all like a fiddle with this, this master plan.

Ryan (41:52)

Yeah. Yeah, it’s interesting. So do you, what do you, yeah. What do you think her master plan? I love that there was a line with her and, you know, like with, she’s trying to figure out who stole the files. And, she says to a train like, yeah, they just happened to run away. Like she clearly very highly suspects him if she doesn’t all out outright know that he stole it. But what, what do you think her end game is like cynic? Do you think it’s, you think she’s she’s.

[email protected] (41:56)

Some good stuff with her too.

Ryan (42:20)

really on Homelander’s side? Is she just doing self -interest? Is she secretly a good guy? Like what do you think her agenda is?

Cinik (42:27)

I think 100 % self -interest. I wouldn’t classify her as a good guy, but I don’t think she has any respect for her homeland or whatsoever. And why would you? I mean, considering their positions, this guy is just a pit of need. He’s super strong and he can do anything he wants, but at the same time, as a person, he’s less than nobody.

Ryan (42:50)

Yeah. Yeah. Would you agree with that, Justin?

[email protected] (42:53)

She’s rapidly becoming one of my favorite character because like, yeah, you don’t know her intentions. I was thinking the same thing, what are her intentions? Like, because if she’s helping Homelander, then she’s bad, right? There’s no way around that, right? Even if you have self -interest, if you’re, she knows what he’s doing. So does that make her bad or is it part of a greater plot? I like that idea where she was like, I wanna be dumb for a little while.

Ryan (42:57)


Yeah, no, that’s great. And that really builds kind of her character. And it’s kind of funny how like, when when she’s norm in her normal, how she’s like repulsed by the deep, you know, but but then like she, you know, she’s and then she’s got to give herself a lobotomy. It’s like, it’s interesting, you know, and I’m really I really want to know what where that character’s head or if maybe she just is going to end up getting late, you know, her head lasered in by by Homelander. It’s like, who knows?

[email protected] (43:44)

Do you think that the Deep has become too much of a farcical character? Like they’ve got, it’s like he was, but he was, but he’s evolved into like this, everything with him is a farce. There’s almost nothing that can be taken serious.

Ryan (43:49)

I mean, he’s always been.


But I feel like that’s always been his character, right?

Cinik (44:01)

Yeah, he’s been meant to be the butt of the joke since the beginning.

[email protected] (44:03)


Ryan (44:06)

Yeah. I know maybe, I mean, maybe there is a redemption arc there, but I feel like if anybody’s getting that arc, it’s A -Train, right? Like A -Train’s the one that’s kind of, was kind of a joke, but he’s kind of getting that redemption arc. Like he, there’s some good in him where, you know, I don’t know. I think, you know, like the deep is just kind of, kind of a joke. And I don’t know that they’re going to change that.

[email protected] (44:10)

I guess that was the next question.


Yeah, because when he started off, the first thing that you see of the deep is when he, you know, basically, when he sexually assaults Starlight, right? Right? He rapes her. Like, that’s, so that’s a very serious thing. And then for him to then evolve from a rapist into this sort of weird butt of the joke is very, it’s…

Ryan (44:35)

Yeah. Well, maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s like that. That’s yeah.

[email protected] (44:51)

It’s a little weird to me. So like, I’m wondering, can he have a redemption angle? Is he going to be there? But yeah, that was the next question I was going to say is who’s getting the redemption? And yet A -Train would seem like the natural choice.

Ryan (45:03)

Yeah, exactly. And maybe that’s it. Like that’s the joke for the character now. It’s like he committed sexual assault and now the rest of it for all of time, like his character is a joke. I don’t know how that works or how that makes sense, but yeah, I don’t see it changing. And like, I think he plays it well and I think it’s hilarious that he’s got his relationship with the octopus. And I think it works, the character works the way it is and I’d rather see Atria and get that redemption.

[email protected] (45:22)

He’s funny.

Ryan (45:35)

So with Homelander, basically Homelander is trying to teach Ryan and like, he basically is like, look, there should be no rules for you. You can do what you want. And he’s allowing Ryan that room, right? Like he doesn’t want to play, you know, he doesn’t want to have whatever the show they want. Don’t do it. You know, bully the director, go ahead, you know, and the director deserved it, right? So, but Ryan seemed to maybe be taking a little pleasure in it. Should we be scared?

[email protected] (45:52)

yeah, yeah.


Ryan (46:01)

of, of Ryan kind of jumping on that side, or do you think like, no, at the end of the day, like at the end of this, Ryan is going to be the one to, to defeat homeless.

Cinik (46:09)

Well, he kind of has to be because there’s no other plan B. Plan B is terrible. And I think that was Joe’s biggest fear was that he’s either with us or we got to get rid of him one way or the other. Like we, there is no middle ground because we can’t afford to have two of these guys.

Ryan (46:12)

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, well, so question, and I don’t know how they’re gonna do this. So Justin, do you know how it happens in the comics? Okay, so anybody listening, if you plan on reading the boys’ comics, spoiler, so be ready, but this cannot happen in the show, so it’s not a spoiler for the show. But basically in the comics, the Black Noir all along is a homelander clone who is basically like the insurance policy.

So the way that Homelanders defeated is basically like, so things start happening where like, Homelanders starts, like, Homelanders starts doing things and he has no recollection of it and he starts going crazy. And it eventually turns out that Black Noir is this Homelander clone who’s, who’s the insurance policy. And I won’t give away what happens or what leads to it, but basically they fight and effectively kill each other. Right. And so, that’s, that’s his demise. So when they kill Black Noir, that

part of the story was done, right? So that’s not happening and the new black noir is not, you know, the homeland or clone. So it’s clearly that, that Ryan has become what black noir was supposed to be, but do you see any other, do you see any other way that out of this or it doesn’t have to be Ryan?

[email protected] (47:45)


I think most importantly is that they’re making us ask this question, right? Because is it a red herring that he takes joy, that he’s sadistic? Like is this kid sadistic? Like does he take joy in hurting others? Or was that like just us, them fooling us to thinking he’s gonna be like Homelander? Or is there gonna be, or is someone like,

Ryan (48:15)


[email protected] (48:18)

Or is it like the 11th hour he’s gonna have to make the right decision? Maybe butcher’s gonna aid it along making the right decision where he makes the right decision. That seems like the obvious arc that he’s gonna have because we see it, he’s fighting. It’s like between what making this, you know, are you going to the dark side or are you gonna be good? So I think they’re really setting that up and they’re letting us see that struggle that he’s having. But yeah, that to me seems like the most obvious.

Ryan (48:31)


Yeah. Yeah.

[email protected] (48:47)


Ryan (48:49)

Yeah, I tend to agree on that. All right, so basically the show ends, we get the cameos from the Gen V characters, and Homelander’s basically saying, look, you know what, we need to be gods. So, you know, Cynic, should there be a fear that they are going to go further than they’ve already gone? And what are your final thoughts on the episode and your rating?

Cinik (49:18)

Good question. I would probably give it an eight for the Simon Pegg stuff alone and the stuff on the farm was a lot of fun. I mean, I don’t think the show is slowing down or sputtering at all as far as the pace and the drive of the story. And there’s so many unanswered questions that it would definitely, even if it was, it would get me to tune back in every single week.

you know, lots of great character work. Anthony Starr has absolutely killed it this whole season, really. From the word Gowee, he’s been gold. I mean, I’d probably give the episode an eight.

Ryan (50:00)

Yeah. How about you, Justin?

[email protected] (50:01)

Yeah, I’m gonna give it a solid seven and a half, eight. I still have my issues with the overall urgency of the plot of where it’s going, but as an individual episode and just wanna end there, yeah, it was a good one, I would say an eight.

Ryan (50:20)

Yeah. Yeah. And I’ll give it a solid, solid eight, maybe even eight and a half. Just cause it was funny bits, right? Like you have the hilarious, like, you know, the hilarious D 20 or V 52 or whatever thing, which funny, the whole stuff on the barn was hilarious. There’s a lot to nitpick, including, I forgot to mention our thoughts on Frenchie turning himself in, but I’m sure that he’ll be bailed out by the boys. So, you know, look, if they could, if they could get a pardon for Edgar, then they can bail.

[email protected] (50:32)



Ryan (50:48)

you know, French out of jail. But you know, the stuff with Huey and his dad, that performance by Simon Pegg. I mean, there’s a lot of great stuff in this episode. So really as a singular episode, I think in 8 .5, I think you’re right, Justin, as a season, you know, this is what The Boys does. It’s like, where is the season going? Like, what’s the story right now? Like, you know, there’s a lot of good pieces and a lot of things moving, but I don’t know where the real, really where the story is going, you know, where we’re halfway into it. But yeah, definitely a solid episode. Easy 8, 8 .5.

right. So next up, we’re going to talk about, house of the dragon, which Justin is not yet caught up on. so spoilers for you getting there, but, what are you up to so far?

[email protected] (51:24)

I’m getting there. It’s good. I’m enjoying it very much.

Maybe three or four, season one. So I just need a good binge day.

Ryan (51:34)

Okay, cool. All right, good, good.

Okay. All right. So, all right, we’re gonna get right into this. So, so again, I’m going to go, we’re going to go, you know, kind of storyline by storyline to some extent. here. So, yeah, it’s going to spoil stuff for you. Yeah, Justin, sorry. It’s your fault. so we’re, so on Dragonstone, Renae decided that she’s got to send Raina to the veil with Joffrey and a dragon and then over to Pentos with

[email protected] (51:49)

Is this gonna spoil for me?

Cinik (51:51)


Ryan (52:08)

with kids and an egg. So basically she’s saying like, you gotta be their surrogate mother, and insurance policy because who knows what’s going to happen. And I need to make sure that my kids and that, you know, there, there is a future for the Targaryens and, and for, you know, for my lineage and for dragons to some extent. So Sinek, did you agree with that plan and why do you think, Reyna was so upset? It seems like a pretty big, heavy responsibility.

Cinik (52:33)

Well, I mean, look at Ryan, her sister’s flying the front lines. Meanwhile, she’s being relegated to a babysitter. So I kind of understand why she would get a little bit upset about that. And I thought, yeah, it was a good call. Like she doesn’t, she was almost killed in her bedroom last weekend, last episode. So she doesn’t know how this is going to go. Like, and it really looks like team green is kind of picking up steam as far as support from the other houses, especially with, you know, Damon’s miscues.

Ryan (52:37)


Yeah. Yeah.

Cinik (53:02)

So yeah, I mean, I agree with all that.

Ryan (53:05)

Yeah. And so she also promoted Ms. Sarah to her mistress of whispers. Do you agree with that choice? Like you think, or not that you agree with that choice. Can you trust her? Well, I guess, yeah. Really, why not?

Cinik (53:12)


Yeah, I don’t trust her at all. No, I don’t. I mean, she says that she has beef with the high towers. I don’t know if I quite buy it. You know, she could be just a mole of her for their side. You know, she still has a lot of interest in King’s Landing and they could be using that to to motivate her to get info.

Ryan (53:34)

Yeah. Plus like who knows what her connection with Damon is if you know, or you know how, yeah, it seems like a weird person to trust with such a high role in your like court. Although she did save her life. So, you know, there’s definitely something he said for that. So, but yeah, don’t know that I would trust her that, that highly. so early on, like I think Renehra still has hope even, even up to this point in this episode.

Cinik (53:41)


Yeah, no, no, she did do that.

Ryan (54:00)

there’s hope that like fighting can be averted. She really wants to avoid an all out war, rightfully so, right? She seems to care more about like the small folk than seemingly than the greens. But do you, at this point, right, before we get what we get at the end of the season, do you think she’s being naive at this point? Or do you still think there’s some hope to maybe make, you know, or she’s justified in her hope that maybe they can figure something out.

Cinik (54:19)

No, I mean…

You can’t put the head back on the sun, man. I mean, you’re not going to be able to do that. Yeah, but it’s not new condition. Once it’s out of the box, it loses all its value. And I just think too much has been done.

Ryan (54:25)

Yeah. I mean, they literally did, but I get it.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Cinik (54:46)

If there’s moves to prevent war, I almost feel like there are moves to because they don’t believe that they can win, that it would just be easier if the other side gave up, but they’re obviously not going to do that.

Ryan (54:56)

Yeah. Yeah, no, no, no, I tend to agree. I think she’s being a little bit at this point, like they’re going to war and like, you know, the cooler heads are not going to prevail. And at the end of the day, like she, so it’d be different if she was the one on the throne, but she’s not. So I can’t, you can’t imagine or expect at this point, Aegon to give up the throne or, or for any of them to, it just wouldn’t make any sense. Why would you do that? I mean, I guess it’s like, yeah. So the only way is, is through war.

Cinik (55:21)

Nobody willingly gives up power.

Ryan (55:25)

Like, you know, either that, or if she legitimately, you know, it’s like, all right, all whatever 12 or nine to whatever many dragons they have, like, we’re going to just roll up with all of our dragons and you figure it out. Maybe, maybe you do that. But yeah, I feel like she’s being naive at this point. It’s like, look, they, you know, kids, you know, kids have died, you know, we’re, we’re going to war and that, and that’s that. So, so Damon makes it to Heron Hall and, he finds a mostly empty castle, where he meets Simon strong who immediately bends a knee.

like doesn’t give up a fight. Damon has single -handedly, you know, or with his dragon taken over. And while there he has nightmares, he’s kind of overly suspicious, it seems. It almost seems like it’s haunted. And we’ve gotten that kind of vibe from Harrenhal in the past in Game of Thrones. Do you think, so do you, so Harrenhal being such an important strategic piece, do you think Damon would be able to hold onto it just by himself with his dragon or is he gonna?

He’s going to deal with problems once the greens get to him.

Cinik (56:24)

Well, had that workout for Theon Grigori. And he had a host of people with him. It didn’t work out well. And as far as it being haunted, I don’t know if it’s more Daemon self -conscious kind of weighing on him for the things that he’s done. But yeah, it was definitely an interesting sequence. Visually it was fun. I don’t know if I was having those visions anywhere that I would continue to hang out there regardless of the strategic importance, but.

Ryan (56:27)


Yeah. Yeah.

Cinik (56:54)

Yeah, I mean, the castelline strung there wanted no fucking problems. His knee came pre -bended. He’s like, I’m just bending the knee to the first motherfucker that shows up.

Ryan (56:58)

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, that was pretty funny in itself. But yeah, that’s actually what I was going to ask is like, is it Damon’s anxiety or is it really haunted or what? You know, he does get a, you know, there was a nice little cameo with Miley Alcock, you know, sewing the head back on the boy. So, you know, it’s an interesting scene. So he’s clearly feeling some kind of guilt.

or something about it. And then it was almost like a prophecy, like you’re going to die in this place. So that’s also that. What did you make of that?

Cinik (57:36)

Did they mean Heron Hall or did they mean during the war or did they mean, is it the position that he’s in, like this place, the decisions that he’s making? I’m not quite sure what they meant in any of that, but it was certainly visually done well.

Ryan (57:40)

like yeah


Yeah. yeah. No, it really was. So, you know, it looks good. And I like, I like the way, you know, they really may, I think, you know, it’s again, the effects on this have been great. So really make Harrenhal look more like, I think the expectation from the books. So it’s really, it was really cool. So in King’s Landing, we get Kristin Cole’s first day as the, as the hand of the King and he’s got his fancy new hand necklace. What’d you, what’d you think of the design on that necklace?

Cinik (58:17)

Just talk about falling up. I got the same vibes from him that I did when Agon took the forum for the first time. Like, all right, I’m going to do my best, but I don’t know how this is going to work out. And I’ve just, I’ve, I kind of feel that way a lot in life when I know I’m going into something that is probably going to end up in failure. Like every time I put on these headphones, but it’s like, you just put your head down and barrel through.

Ryan (58:19)



Yeah, exactly. So, yeah.

Well, speaking of that, so he gets up for his first date and he sees that, I guess, Aegon has brought on two new Kings guardsmen who are like his buddies that they were just, you know, two episodes ago hanging out drinking with. They seem like they do not have the constitution for the job. And they probably, you know, like I’ve never seen two worse nights. They didn’t do anything.

But they just look like terrible Kings guardsmen. Like, have you been in that situation where like a manager is just promoted to people, people who just absolutely should not be in that position? Yeah.

Cinik (59:19)

that’s that’s my job. That’s my job. My job, everybody fails up the worst at the worst employees get promoted because those are the ones that want the power. You know, they don’t want the responsibility. They want the power. So yeah, that’s I see it all the time. It’s like, that guy’s a general foreman. that guy’s a foreman. You know, meanwhile, he was just sleeping in the back last week. So yeah, yeah, it’s I’m familiar.

Ryan (59:36)


Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty funny. Like they look at it, they play the role well. So it’s actually pretty, pretty, pretty funny. So they had to plan to go take Heron Hall. So Chris and Cole is going to go out. A -Gon also wants to join them and he basically has to be talked down. Eventually Laris is the one who kind of plans to see that A -Gon is going to usurp him. And that’s what’s able to, you know, to stop him. And so Chris and Cole is joined by Gwaine Hightower, who is Allison’s brother.

And they marched towards Harrenhal. They’re actually, they’re found out. what was the, what’s the daughter’s name that was on the dragon? That is, yeah, it’s like Rainy. I don’t know if it’s Rainy, Serena, whatever it is, one of the daughters on a dragon sees them, almost is able to kill them, but whatever the case is, she’s able to ID them and let Reneira know, that, you know, they’re, they’re marching on Harrenhal. So Reneira then hatches.

Cinik (1:00:18)

You got me because they, they both have similar names and they both look exactly alike. Yeah.

Ryan (1:00:38)

a crazy plan, which is to go into King’s Landing, disguised, you know, in disguise and seek out Alicent to talk sense into her. So before we get to the scene and what happens, Cynic, which plan was worse, this plan or the one from last week where the twin was gonna go, you know, kill, murder Mernara?

Cinik (1:01:00)

Well, I mean, probably this one because you’re sending the head of the opposition unguarded into a city of millions of people that want to kill her. You know, that, that, it’s, and what’s going on in King’s Landing that, you know, at any point, Damon or Rer or anybody can just throw on a costume, you know, the old glasses and mustache and just wander on up to the gates and get in. It seems way too easy to get in there.

Ryan (1:01:07)


Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, no, it’s insane. Like there’s no world where that can, and it goes back to kind of her being just naive because like there’s no world where you should be able to do that or you should do that because so many things can go wrong. Somebody could recognize her. Someone could just say, I’m going to attack her for no reason. Like, you know, there’s, you know,

Like random murders happen all the time there. And it’s, you know, it’s a lawless place at times. Like you don’t want to do that. and then, and then even if the plan works and she finds Alison, Alison, all she has to do is scream and like the, there are Kings guardsmen there. So it just doesn’t like none of that plan made any sense. And, and again, like we talked to like, there’s no talking sense into her at this point. And even if she talks sense into her, you’re not like, Agon’s not abdicating the throne. So none of it made like any sense at that point, but

Cinik (1:01:51)

Yeah, they’re not out of the norm in King’s Landing.

Ryan (1:02:19)

It’s great that she hatches a plan because I think we got one of the best scenes acting in, in Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon history. I don’t know. I don’t know if you agree with me on that, but, but, she does, she makes it there. She makes it to Allicent in the Sept. and initially, you know, they’re, they have this initial back and forth and it’s clear they both love each other and that they don’t want to harm each other and that they don’t want to go to war. but there’s, there’s an amazing moment where, Renera is asking what

Viserys was saying on his deathbed. And, and there’s this look of at some point, Alison says, no, he told me, and you know, I wouldn’t lie to you. And you can see the look on, she does an amazing job of the look on her face is like, I, you’re right. Like she believed her for that moment. You could see her, her face drop, her body language changed, everything changed. And it was like, she was devastated. And then Rene or then, Alison then adds the part about the Prince that was promised.

And Raniera realizes, no, that’s not it. He was telling you about the prophecy. That wasn’t your Aegon. That was Aegon the Conqueror. And then you watch Alison’s face drop. And then she says, you know what? It doesn’t matter. It’s gonna happen. But she allows her to leave and she left. So how great was that scene?

Cinik (1:03:33)

It was perfect. It was every bit the argument she had with Damon last week. The acting has been superb this season in that manner. We’ve had a lot of these memorable scenes that just shows how much the show has grown from season one to two and how much the actors have kind of embraced the role. And the content is fantastic. It was, I mean, it wasn’t just the dialogue or the emotion in the scene. It was the physical, the facial features as well that, you know,

Ryan (1:03:48)


Cinik (1:04:02)

were extremely meme worthy because I saw 20 Renera memes like the next morning when I woke up. So much like Robert’s Rebellion, this is all propagated on a misunderstanding or a lie. And it’s crazy how many people are about to die because of this.

Ryan (1:04:05)



Yeah, no, it was an amazing scene. And the kind of the inverse of the Damon scene where they’re not yelling at each other. You know, they clearly care about each other and are trying to fix it and they’re kind of quiet. And so where that scene was much more about their emotions and projecting emotions, this was those subtle, like the body language and just the facial expressions and just the subtleties of that is what really sold it.

Cinik (1:04:44)

Honestly though, she wouldn’t have let her go. All she had to do was capture her and that’s it, we’re over.

Ryan (1:04:49)

Yeah. Yeah. Again, like if you’re Alison at that, yeah. So that was the one part is like, how realistic is that? You know, no, Alison is, was sending her letters, trying to come to a piece. So maybe there is that, just that bit that like, look, I don’t want anything to happen to you. And I, you know, and maybe that, but I think they both know they’re at a stalemate. So it is a little weird. Like you’re kind of like, yeah, I don’t, it’s not quite believable that Alison would let her leave, you know, at a, you know, but then maybe, maybe her.

the calculus is, well, if we arrest her, who knows what Aegon’s gonna do to her. And if we, you know, but then if we don’t, we’re going to war. So I don’t know. It’s like, kind of unbelievable. Before we get to our final review, though, one other thing. So we probably had the most graphic scene in Game of Thrones. Like there was an actual blowjob on screen. Like, you know, dick in mouth and everything.

So like, did you ever expect that we’d get that on screen?

Cinik (1:05:51)

I mean, we’re kind of shading that way where it’s dipping its toe into the water of porn, like some of these shows and movies. So I wasn’t surprised about it. I just, once again, it’s always male. We get nudity finally, main cast, but it’s a dude. You know what I mean? Like that seems to be the only way we get the main cast nudity.

Ryan (1:05:59)

Yeah, I mean that was

[email protected] (1:06:00)


Ryan (1:06:16)

What’s some, about main cast, yeah, that’s fair, right? Like, cause like, there’s been a bunch of female nudity, but not nudity from the female main cast, but like, yeah, it is what it is. It’s, yeah.

Cinik (1:06:24)

Well, I don’t need it. I just see it how it’s changed from original Game of Thrones where, you know, she was, Amelia Clarke was naked every episode to now it’s everybody has sex with their clothes on to protect the integrity of these up and coming actors and actresses.

Ryan (1:06:29)

Yeah, exactly.


Yeah. Yeah, it’s funny. Yeah, but it is true. It’s like, yeah, the main characters like getting a lot of male nudity, not as much of the women, but I guess it’s a payback for all the decades of getting all the female nudity.

Cinik (1:06:53)

Well, it’s just like, if we jump back to the boys, it’s the same thing. Like we’ve seen every male cast member’s ass, but I don’t think we’ve seen Starlight’s belly button. You know what I mean?

Ryan (1:06:59)


Yeah, no, that’s very true. But yeah, we got the wonderful human centipede scene. Yeah. All right. So anyway, so quick final thoughts on the episode and your rating for this one. Yeah.

Cinik (1:07:10)

God. That was terrible.

I mean, it was a building episode. We know that something big is coming in the next show. So it was kind of circling the wagons and getting ready for that. I believe all the pieces are in place. We had a few really good moments that scene between Alison and was just, it was amazing. Like it was amazing that when they both came to the conclusion, like, Hey, this has all been a mistake and people have died because of it. It was, it was fantastic.

Ryan (1:07:30)


Cinik (1:07:49)

I mean, I can’t say enough good things about the show. Fortunately, we’re running out of episodes of Acolyte. Unfortunately, we’re also running out of episodes of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon. So it’s kind of like a double -edged sword. But overall, I’d give the episode a seven. I thought it was a lot of fun and we could definitely use less of Aiman’s penis on screen next episode.

Ryan (1:07:57)

Yeah. Yeah.

So yeah, so I give it a solid eight. A lot of table setting this episode, which is fine. Like I think, you know, we were talking about our critique with the acolyte and the acolytes episode, which is episode five of eight was a lot of table setting. But that, you know, that’s better suited for like an episode three. And so I think this episode is exactly that. They’re moving the pieces on the board, but doing it in a, you know, fantastic way. There’s some really good stuff. There’s some funny stuff.

And again, I think that scene with Alison and Renara just puts it over. It’s one of the best scenes, I think really in the history of the show. So it really works well and just keeps me excited about what’s going on. So I just think the show’s done a great job of every episode so far has given us something fantastic in the or gut wrenching, you know, in the end. So it’s really incredible. It just keeps doing that. Like every episode is giving you something and there, you know, it doesn’t feel quite like a filler episode because when you get those moments. So.

Yeah, solid eight for me. And so far this season has been really fantastic. So yeah, so that is it. As usual, all of our stuff is at portableholepublishing .com. All of our socials are on portable underscore whole. Look out for the newsletter. We’re gonna have the first issue of our monthly newsletter coming out later this week. And if you’d like to subscribe, there will be a link to subscribe to the portable hole newsletter. We’ve got some good stuff there.

So I think that’s it. Justin, until next time.

[email protected] (1:09:45)

Watch out for the hole.

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